When you’re depressed you feel there’s no hope of you getting out of that hole. But trust me when I say that it’s possible, because I lived it. Once you get out of depression, you’ll need to do all that you can do to stay out. Here are some ideas to show you how you can start, according to my experience.
All of those walls you place around your heart to protect it from getting hurt again are actually preventing you from feeling and enjoying the good life. Those walls also prevent you from giving and feeling the love from people around you, and make you miss on many other good things in life. So, I believe you agree with me when I say that these energetic heart walls have to come down.
When you know yourself you respect, honor, and love yourself more. When you do this for yourself, you also learn to do it for others. If you’re going to do anything worthwhile in this life, I would say, get to know yourself. Knowing yourself allows you to live a happier life with purpose and meaning.
Learn 5 simple but great reasons of why being an optimist, even if for a few minutes a day, helps you live a better life. If you have to choose between being optimist and being realist, choose to be an optimist. Life is more enjoyable being optimistic.
Somehow we, as a society, have come to believe that feeling and showing emotions makes a person weak. If we’d pay more attention to our bodies we would know that our body is actually doing something we need and want. Repressed emotions are emotions that we consciously choose not to acknowledge and feel. Failing to act on them or expressing them in a healthy way, could lead to depression, numbness, or snapping at others.
Learn what to do to get out of depression without medication, learn to recognize when you’re getting depressed, and learn to stay out of those lifeless emotional states for the rest of your life. Depression is an emotional state that has no more control over you than what you give to it. Yes, you have more control than what you think over those deep rooted negative feelings.
Life's too short to be doing something you don’t want. When you do something you don’t want there's a struggle inside of you that causes you emotional, physical and mental discomfort and sometimes even pain. When you focus on what you want instead of what others want, you begin to live a life of fulfillment, joy and peace.
Most of us believe everything we say. When we say something we believe it because the spoken word gets charged with energy; it gets charged with power. This power can be used to hurt and destroy or to empower and heal. How are you using this power on others? But most importantly, how are you using this power on yourself?
Many people would do just about anything for someone they love but are not willing to do anything good for themselves. They keep putting love for themselves last because they don’t know how to do it any other way. They think loving themselves is being selfish and that self-sacrifice is heroic and everyone will love them for that. But there is no better clean and genuine love than your own love for your Self.
Subscribe and download the "4 Steps to Start Your Day on a High Note" plus the Harmony Scale of emotions. Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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