The reason many people swear the Law of Attraction doesn’t work is because they are missing the most important step in the manifesting process. Manifestation is more than saying an affirmation; it is about becoming the vibratory frequency of that affirmation.
We always want more and better. There is nothing wrong with that, it is in our nature. There are many ways to prepare you to get what you desire, writing things down is one of the most effective. Writing down your desires and goals makes changes in your brain, and in the energy of your entire body, making it easier for you to achieve what you desire. Give it a try.
I’m a huge fan of keeping your finances under control, but there’s a little detail that could be the cause you’re running out of money before you run out of month, regardless of your income level. Keeping track of your finances is a sure way to increase your good financial health. Here are some tools you can use to help you with that.
We all have two points of view towards everything and it’s no different about finances. In fact, points of view towards finances are even stronger since most people have money tied down to effort, worthiness or luck. But the secret to financial abundance is that neither of them are needed for you to increase your finances. What you need is something so much simpler.
There is no doubt that there is a correlation between money and happiness. People who know how their most basic needs will be covered are happier than those who don’t know how. Although money can help with happiness, it does so up to a certain level. So those believing that need millions of dollars to be happy, and keep delaying their happiness until then, are about to be relieved.
Don’t you love it when you have another chance to get something done? Every New Year is a permission from all of us, to all of us, to begin again. Join me in this post to help you create achievable goals and to show you why it’s important to only work on those goals that are really important to you.
There are many reasons for which we desire to give something to someone else. We could be giving love and care, time and effort, or money and things. But giving is not always such a good idea. Just like there is a time for everything in this world, there’s also a time for giving and it has nothing to do with the holidays.
Imagine that there exists a set of steps to follow that can help you create anything you want in your life; that can help you create the life of your dreams. Would you want to know about them? If your answer is yes, keep reading.
The way you feel directly affects the way you live and the life you have. If you want to have abundance in your life, you need to learn to feel good to receive it. When you receive a gift you don’t put a resistance to it, you feel good and receive it, right? Your body is relaxed, you feel content and smile. The same response is needed in order to receive abundance in our lives.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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