Have you ever wondered if you are living a meaningful life? You might be living it and not realizing it. Or you might need a little help in learning what living a meaningful life means.
Take a look at this list below and see how close you are to living it. Living by default, to me, feels as if you’re just sitting on a bench waiting for death to come for you. Don’t you think this is the saddest thing a human being can experience? Want to find out if you’re living by default? Keep reading to find out and to get a plan to begin making changes so you can finally get up and enjoy a happy life.
Isn’t interesting how quotes we read here and there speak to us? Some speak to us louder than others, but still somehow we feel them true to us. Well, here are my top 50 inspiring quotes about personal growth and the reason why I like each one of them.
You spend most of your waking hours working at a career, doing something, that maybe you don’t enjoy much. Are you ready for a change? Learn at what point you begin to see everything differently and you either appreciate what you have or you realize you definitely need an exit plan.
Want to change your career and don’t have a clue where to begin or what to do? You don’t have to go very far to find out. All you have to do is go within. We’re very accustomed to look outside ourselves for advice and guidance, but if you want a positive and long lasting impact in your life, you have to go within yourself.
We all have a need to grow and learn more; a need to feel more than what we are; a need to feel greater and expanded. But, how do we know when it’s the best time to do so? I say it is when you begin to feel excited for what it’s coming, exhilarated for what you foresee and eager to begin growing. But, what if you confuse these feelings with fear? In the body they feel similar to each other after all.
As the year 2016 is coming to an end, it’s a good idea to take some time off to sit back, reflect and re-visit any tasks that need to be closed. I know it’s easier said than done but during this last Mercury Retrograde of the year, you have permission from the Universe to do so.
Everyone’s dream is to live a happy, abundant and fulfilled life. Knowing what to do and where to begin are key to enjoying this desired life. There is an even more important key to live the life of your dreams though, and that is action.
If you are asking “what is the purpose of my life?” it’s because you don’t feel fulfilled where you are right now and because you might not know what your purpose for this life is, much less your intention for being alive. Fortunately there are many ways to help you remember it and discover it once you decide to do so. Are you ready to embark on the most delicious journey of self-discovery? Keep reading.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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