You spend most of your waking hours working at a career, doing something, that maybe you don’t enjoy much. Are you ready for a change? Learn at what point you begin to see everything differently and you either appreciate what you have or you realize you definitely need an exit plan. In the previous post I showed you the 3 initial steps you can follow to find a meaningful career. In it I made it very clear that you need to begin by getting to know yourself. I gave you some questions and showed you how to analyze them. Now, I want you to analyze them a bit more. The reason I want you to analyze them a bit more is because you might think you have the idea of doing or being something when in reality is another one. What’s your essence? Maybe you think you want to be a business owner when in reality you would like more control over your work load and time. Maybe you think you like photography because you just like to take pictures, but in reality maybe you want to tell stories with an image, or you like to capture timeless moments, or you like to experiment with colors and design. Do you notice there three distinct reasons of what you might like just by liking photography? The same is with everything else we like and do. Which one is your reason? Whatever true reason you find is the essence of what you really like and feel deep within you. The essence of your personality is what makes you heart jump with joy when you’re doing, or about to do, what you so deeply enjoy. So, try to identify that essence of what you really like and desire without tying it to an occupation, for now. Once you have the essence of what you like and enjoy, combine it with your dreams and desires you obtained from the visualization of the previous post. Keep in mind that essence of what you like combined with your dreams and desires while we look at what the world needs. What does the world need? Remember the question I asked you? “When you see someone needing all the help they can get about anything, how do you think you can help?” Think about this one in a broader perspective now and answer the following. What do you see people in the world needing right now that you can help with? If thinking about what people all over the world need, don’t focus on that for now. I don’t want you to get overwhelmed, so focus on what you can see right now. Focus on people around you, people in your neighborhood, in your town, in your state, in your country. If you spend much time doing business online, then you might also be able to see what people around the world need help with. So, what do you see people need and you’re happy to help with? I want to clarify that although you can do many things you should only focus on doing those things that are tied to your essence and dreams. Try again using that filter. Take a look at the world again and tell me, what do see people need and that you can joyfully help with? Can you help from where you are?Before you make plans to change your career, I want you to look around where you are, your job or business, and see where you can find a way to glorify your essence and dreams there. Maybe you’ve been sitting in a gold mine all this time and you didn’t realize it – figuratively speaking of course. Maybe you could get another job within the same company; a job that’s more in alignment with your essence and dreams. Or if you own a business, you can delegate parts of the business that you dread and focus more on what you do enjoy. What I want you to see is that sometimes it’s not so much about the job we have as it is about how you feel that affects your perspective and attitude towards it. Time for an exit plan? Now that you know yourself a little more, maybe you can now see what you currently do in a different way. But if what you do is still not a good fit for you, well, maybe it’s time to make an exit plan. The good thing is that now you know exactly what direction you want to go. Be careful to not make big changes when you don’t feel good, because you then won’t be able to see the best options and opportunities available to you. Instead, make the big changes from a place of power, and you’re in a place of power only when you feel good. A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.” – Bob Dylan Your career is meaningful when it means something to you and only you. Do you want to feel good and happy in your career? Then honor your essence and dreams and in no time you'll be enjoying a meaningful career. Have you found your meaningful career yet? Yes? Not yet? Let me know in the comments below. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox every week. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Posts: 3 Initial Steps To Find A Meaningful Career 7 Inspiring Quotes To Help You Succeed In Life Doesn’t Matter What Others Want, What Matters Is What You Want Begin Living Your Life's Purpose Today Image credit: Comments are closed.
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