As the year 2016 is coming to an end, it’s a good idea to take some time off to sit back, reflect and re-visit any tasks that need to be closed. I know it’s easier said than done but during this last Mercury Retrograde of the year, you have permission from the Universe to do so. Planet Mercury is in retrograde According to Astrology, there are 3 times, sometimes 4, during the year when we experience a Mercury retrograde that lasts about three weeks. A Mercury retrograde is when, as seen from a particular vantage point from Earth, Mercury appears to be going in a backwards direction, but it’s not. In astrology, this effect is called retrograde. Imagine you’re driving on the road and you’re passing another moving car. As you’re passing the car, you notice that the car seems to be going in a backward direction although you know it is still very much going forward on the road. This effect is similar to what happens with the planets Mercury and Earth. To Astrologers, Mercury is the planet that rules communication, technology and many other things. Granted, when Mercury is in retrograde many unusual things happen, and expected things don’t happen as planned, but Mercury retrogrades have a positive side as well and today I want you to focus on that. The positive side of Mercury Retrogrades Kari Samuels explains that the effect of the Mercury retrograde (re-turn) is the perfect time for us to slow down and re-view, re-visit, and re-asses your life; and that’s exactly what I want you gather from this post. I want you to be excited and look forward to the time when a Mercury retrograde comes. I want you to see these times as your permission from the Universe to slow down and reflect on your life up until this point. Makes sense to have these times of re-flexion imbedded in our cycles of nature, don’t you think? Times to slow down and look at ourselves, to look at our own lives and make sure we’re living the life our inner Self is guiding us to; a life of joy, peace and freedom. Re-view 2016 Mercury retrogrades happen every 88 days and the latest one started yesterday, December 19th, 2016 and ends on January 8th, 2017. What a perfect way to end the year than to reflect, re-organize, re-view, re-learn, re-evaluate, re-think, re-assess everything we have done this year. To take advantage of this Mercury retrograde, here are a few questions you can ask yourself to begin evaluating the year that’s about to end. If you need to, feel free to add more questions to this list, just make sure to keep it manageable so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Whether you believe in the idea of the Mercury retrogrades or not, I recommend you to take a few days every few months to review your life; who knows, maybe something good comes out of it. There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.” — Alan Cohen This is my last post of the year 2016 and as I review my year of blogging, I can only say that I’m satisfied and happy with what I have written so far. I know I still have so much to learn and I’m happy and eager for that. Thank you for joining me in this adventure; I really hope it has served well you so far. I wish you the best time as you reflect back on 2016 and I wish you an even better time as you prepare for the new year 2017. Hugs. Did you like this post? Let me send you more like it to your inbox every week. All you need to do is to subscribe here. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, feel free to share this post with them. Thank you, Related Posts: 3 Simple Steps To Complete Your Goals Faster The Key to Understanding Your Soul’s Direction What Are The Most Important Areas In Your Life? 3 Steps to Know What You Really Want For This New Year Image Credit: Claudia LeBaron Islas Comments are closed.
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