Don’t you love it when you have another chance to get something done? Every New Year is a permission from all of us, to all of us, to begin again. Join me in this post to help you create achievable goals and to show you why it’s important to only work on those goals that are really important to you. We all know and understand that the beginning of the New Year is our chance to create new goals. Although they can be created at any time, the New Year is when we’re all on this and when we all want to support others and see them succeed. Well, why not take the opportunity and begin again this year but this time with an intentional purpose for the next 12 months? Let’s begin with knowing what you want. What do you want? When I did vision board sessions for groups of people I noticed that they all wanted almost the same things but in a variety of flavors. For instance, everyone wants a home. Some want a small cozy home and some others want a large mansion. Some want a house in the city, some want a house by the beach, some want both. Everyone wants good physical health but each one focuses on something in particular. Some focus on exercise for their bodies, some in eating healthy, some others in healing from sickness, and some others in all of the above. Everyone wants a good life; for some it’s having leisure time for themselves and their family, for some is to do what brings more peace to them, and for others is to travel around the world. You get the idea. And you, what do you want? Don’t know? Use these areas of life below. These areas of life are the most important areas to most people. You can begin the year creating goals for the next 12 months based on what’s really important to you from these areas:
Begin with the outcome Sometimes we set out goals that are not specific enough to work on. They are too broad, unclear and confusing, making it easy for us to get overwhelmed and give up. To prevent this from happening to you, I recommend you to set goals based on what you want from them. Yes, think of the outcome you want and make sure that everything you do will be to get you to that specific outcome. For instance: abundance –in particular money. What do you want to have completed by the end of the year? Pay off your credit cards, pay off your car, your house? Well, begin by creating an income and expenses plan for the month, or for every two weeks, or for every week. You'll know which one works best for you. Just make sure your goal is for the next 12 months only. Maybe paying off your car is not possible in this year, maybe it is. Maybe paying off your house is not possible in this year, maybe it is. I just want you to set goals you believe in. No more realistic goals If we would only be thinking in “realistic goals” nothing new would ever be invented. I mean, computers were not realistic in the 1800’s, internet was totally a crazy thing then, Wi-Fi? Forget about it! Back in the dark ages you would be thrown in to the dungeon for setting those unrealistic goals. Thankfully in the past there were people who didn't have realistic goals, don't you agree? It doesn’t matter if your goal is realistic to others or not. What matters is that it is realistic to you and that it feels good working towards it. With all of the free information available to everyone in the world makes it easier for everyone to be, do and have whatever they desire, including you. Do you want to write a book? Heal your body? Travel to space? Travel to South America, South Africa, South Korea? As long as you believe it’s possible it will come to pass. Who knows how, but as long as you believe it, it will. And that’s all you need for now: Belief. One day you're going to be the past of so many people, do you want to have left realistic or unrealistic goals completed? Think about it and truly believe you can. Believe you can do it. Believing something can be done puts your mind to work for you and helps you find ways to do it.” –George Shinn Are you ready to set your goals for this New Year? When you subscribe to my weekly updates, you will receive a free Setting My Goals template to begin creating your goals now. Write no more than 2 goals per row and make sure you break it down into action steps needed for its completion in the next column. Once you have completed all of these goals at the end of the year, you will be living a successful life regardless of the amount of money in your bank account or the kind of job you have or the type of people you know. Best wishes for you in this New Year 2017! The wish of a successful life. Did you like this post? Let me send you more like it to your inbox every week. All you need to do is to subscribe here. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, feel free to share this post with them. Thank you, Related Posts: What Are The Most Important Areas In Your Life? 3 Simple Steps To Complete Your Goals Faster 3 Steps to Know What You Really Want For This New Year Do You Want a Successful Life? Image Credit: Comments are closed.
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