The way you feel directly affects the way you live and the life you have. If you want to have abundance in your life, you need to learn to feel good to receive it. When you receive a gift you don’t put a resistance to it, you feel good and receive it, right? Your body is relaxed, you feel content and smile. The same response is needed in order to receive abundance in our lives. In my previous post I wrote about how the Law of Attraction works where I explain why it's important to pay attention to what you're focusing on and also the 3 steps of Abraham Hicks’ Creative Process. This week I’m focusing more on step #3: Receive. This step is about you being in a frequency aligned with all your desires, wishes, prayers, requests, which have been already been granted for you. I’m also giving you ideas that can help you feel better so you can begin living an abundant life today. Your Frequency/Vibration/Vibe You might know how sonar and radar works. A sound wave is being sent out under water (for sonar) or an electromagnetic wave sent out in the ether (for radar). Once this wave hits an object the part of the wave that hits the object bounces back to the device where it came from. It then records that an object is located at that particular angle and distance, calculated by the time it takes the signal to get back. With physics laws ignored and overly simplified, this is how sonars and radars work. Living beings also emanate a frequency out through the mind and body. This frequency is being sent out to the ether until its waves hit our Creator and then He immediately responds. You might be wondering, in what direction do they go? Since your Creator is everywhere, it doesn’t matter where they go, your frequency, your vibe, still reaches Her and He immediately answers. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." –Mark 11:24 Bible. Focus your energy The response you receive from your frequency will depend on how you feel. If you feel unpleasant emotions, you will continue to receive events and circumstances to keep you living and feeling unpleasant emotions. It is until you decide to experience pleasant experiences that you will be able to receive all the good things you have asked for. This means that you have to do some work here. If you really want abundance in your life, you need to change the frequency you’re sending out to the ether to be of a higher better-feeling frequency. Want to know how? Pay attention to what you say and how you feel. Emotions notify you of the frequency you have going on. If you feel sad your broadcasting signal would be “bring me more things to stay sad.” It will not be until you get distracted or intentionally decide to change what you are focusing upon, that the frequency you’re sending out will change. Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this (any) space” –Jill Bolte Taylor How to receive abundance in life To receive abundance of everything you want in life, you need to move yourself to a frequency where everything you desire is. In this high frequency you feel good, you feel hopeful, you feel free, you feel joyful, you feel peaceful, and so much more. Here are a few ideas that you could use to help you get to a high good-frequency level where you can find all the abundance you have always desired in your life.
The Art of Allowing is wanting so much to feel good that whether you are perusing the past or the present or the future, you are deliberately looking for the best-feeling thought that you can find” –Abraham Hicks When you understand and master step #3, you will be like a new person living an entirely new life that you cannot even imagine right now. A life with so much abundance of all the things that are important to you: money, material things, health, love, healthy relationships, pleasant experiences, travel, joy, peace, freedom, happiness, etc. Are you ready to live that life? I can help you. Do you have any other way to allow yourself to receive? To improve your frequency? To improve your vibe? Please share them with all of us in the comments below. Did you like this post? Subscribe to begin receiving more like it in your inbox every week. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, feel free to share this post with them. Thank you, Related Posts: Understanding the Laws of the Universe The Secret About Mental Science How The Law of Attraction Works Mastering Positive Brainstorming Image credit: 8/23/2016 05:54:13 pm
these are great suggestions. i really like the one about appreciation. also, the distraction suggestion.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/23/2016 11:01:58 pm
I'm glad you liked them Lorrin. I appreciate you letting me know :) 8/24/2016 04:34:01 am
Lovely post, Claudia. I love your emphasis on aligning your mind, words and deeds with your desires. As a 'Manifesting Guru' myself, I heartily agree with your prescriptions!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 02:38:31 pm
Yes, alignment with our own Self is what we all need. Thank you Reba! :)
8/24/2016 05:06:16 am
Terrific suggestions! I love that you encourage us to not stay stuck on step #1 where we can put to much energy on lack instead of abundance.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 02:42:02 pm
That's right Rachel. My goal is to show people that staying too long on step #1 is a waste of time and energy.
8/24/2016 06:47:48 am
Great post! Appreciate the good in your life is one of the quickest ways to achieve happiness. I love it! Thanks for sharing good vibes.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 02:44:02 pm
Thank you Lynn! I'm glad you loved it. Appreciate you letting me know :) 8/24/2016 09:12:46 am
I don't know why women especially find it hard to receive. We always say something like, "Oh, you shouldn't have." What an insult to the gift giver. As I've gotten older, I've become better at receiving with grace and gratitude.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 02:53:31 pm
I agree with you Barb, it's an insult to the gift giver not to receive their gift. I'm glad you are allowing yourself to receive now :) 8/24/2016 09:51:08 am
I noticed Barb Parcells said what I was thinking as I read the beginning of your post: Women, in receiving a gift or assistance, so often say something dismissive or resistant - when offered help, I frequently respond with "you don't have to." What a great list of tips you've published here, and I was especially struck by the advice "once you've identified what you want, move away from the events and circumstances that caused you to ask." I'm very familiar with the concept that when we set an intention to manifest something it's important to trust and allow, e.g. set it and forget it, but I've learned from your post that I need to do a much better job of disconnecting from the circumstances!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 03:00:02 pm
i'm glad you learned that you need to disconnect from the circumstances Kat. It's the best thing we can do to improve our lives. Just make sure you choose how and what you want to feel and experience. Hugs <3 8/24/2016 10:42:27 am
Great post Claudia! I love your listing of ways to receive. It is often difficult for me to let go of the focus. I have learned that distraction and travel open up the flow for me big time.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 03:02:06 pm
Not many people pay attention to what opens up the flow for them, I'm so glad you do Lisa! :) 8/24/2016 12:34:36 pm
This: "It's impossible to focus on the good around you and still feel mad, angry or depressed at the same time." I realized a long time ago that gratitude (appreciation) and deprivation (resentment) can't coexist. Which makes this moment — any moment — a good time to get grateful. Thanks, Claudia, great article. Sharing it.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 03:07:02 pm
I'm glad you liked it Sue. Thank you for sharing it! :D 8/24/2016 01:03:11 pm
Your post is timely as I just started re-reading Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. My emotional guidance system always lets me know when I'm vibrating at a high frequency. It takes conscious awareness to tap into my emotions so that I can make adjustments as needed. Thank you for this beautiful post <3
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 03:11:18 pm
LOA at work. You are focusing on Abraham, emotions and the LOA, and here you find more information like it. Beautiful isn't it? Thank you Debra :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 03:13:21 pm
Of course! Thank you for the invitation Peggy :D 8/25/2016 12:15:03 pm
Love your suggestions and the quotes in this article Claudia.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/27/2016 03:14:25 pm
I'm glad you do Zeenat... thank you! ;) 8/28/2016 01:11:56 pm
We have so much more control than we think we do. Another wonderful post. Very inspiring I need to practice this more.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/2/2016 11:54:20 pm
Yes we do!!. Thank you for coming back to read my posts Dia! ;) Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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