Imagine that there exists a set of steps to follow that can help you create anything you want in your life; that can help you create the life of your dreams. Would you want to know about them? If your answer is yes, keep reading. This is a summary of the Law of Attraction blog post series I have published this month. The Law of Attraction is another Universal Law Like it or not we’re all living under universal laws that, whether we understand them or not they, affect our everyday living. Universal laws are those laws that affect our lives while living in this universe. Understanding these laws, how they affect you and how to benefit from them, are key for you to have a more joyful and abundant life. One of these laws is the Law of Attraction (LOA). The Law of Attraction says that “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” This means that everything that has similar essence attracts each other. For instance, people with certain qualities or interests get together, birds of a similar kind fly together (birds of feather flock together), and even when we are brainstorming, the kind of thoughts we have in our mind attract more thoughts or ideas that are similar. We all know the effects of the LOA by its results, although most do not correlate it with a law. All children know that if they jump from a high place they will get hurt. They know they will get hurt but they don’t know there is a law of gravity. In the same sense is the effect of the Law of Attraction; we know that when we have a strong desire which we "know and believe" it's going to manifest, it usually does. We don’t always know why it works that way, nevertheless it still does. Mental Science and the Law of Attraction Just like Physics is the science that helps us take advantage of the Law of Gravity, so is Mental Science a practice that helps us take advantage of the Law of Attraction. Physics helps us calculate speeds, distances, movements, etc so airplanes can take advantage of gravity and fly on the sky –this is just one example. Mental Science helps us pay attention to our thoughts, desires, emotions, actions, etc so we can attract manifestations with similar essences into our lives. Mental Science is the union of science, healing and spirituality. Mental Science is not to be confused with the treatment of the mind which is what Psychology does. Mental Science is the practice to help us use, guide and control our minds to improve ourselves and our lives. There are many authors that currently write and teach about Mental Science or New Thought, although now most call it just the Law of Attraction. Current authors about this subject are Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsh, Shakti Gawain, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Bruce H. Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks and many more. But the pioneers of Mental Science, also called pioneers of New Thought, are the authors that began writing about the new way of thinking. Authors that helped us see that each one of us is responsible for creating the life we each are living. Some of them are Napoleon Hill, James Allen, Wallace D. Wattles, William W. Atkinson, Thomas Troward, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Phineas P. Quimby, and many more. Even though most of the now famous Mental Science books were written by men, there were many women participating in the New Thought movement as well. Most of these women began their own movements and created new practices. How the Law of Attraction Works We don't apply the Law of Attraction, we take advantage of it. And the best way to take advantage of it, just like taking advantage of any other universal law, is by knowing how it works. Although the Law of Attraction requires a lot of conscious effort and dedication from our part, understanding how it works is simpler than we might think. The Law of Attraction is defined by "That which is like unto itself is drawn." This means that something good, will attract more of that goodness. Something that is bad will attract more of that badness. Let me explain it better so it makes more sense.
Does it make sense? This is how the LOA works; it brings us more of the same thing we are feeling. The law doesn’t think whether it's good or bad the way we feel. It doesn’t judge us; it just does its job. It just is, just like all universal laws. Steps to take advantage of the Law of Attraction The steps to take advantage of the LOA have been defined and given by Abraham Hicks. Abraham has given us 6 steps, which he calls the steps of the Creative Process, but we only need learn the basic 1-2-3 steps. This Creative Process contains the steps you need to follow to create anything you want in your life. Although steps 1 and 2 are always happening without us giving much attention to them, we do need to pay attention to the step we are greatly responsible for: step #3. Here’s what happens on each one of the steps: Step 1- Ask Asking here is not so much about asking by speaking as about asking by feeling it. This usually happens when you are going through an experience that makes you realize you don’t want it, that you don’t want to be part of it, or that you don’t want it that way. We are always doing this. We’re asking all day every day; it is part of life. It is the part of us wanting to continually improve our lives and wanting to have better experiences. This is the easy part, it happens almost unconsciously. We cannot help it but ask for better things, better experiences, and better interactions with people, all the time. Step 2- It is given You don’t do anything in this step. This is where God, the Universe, Source, The Father, The Infinite, Your Soul, or whatever you want to call your Creator, is giving you what you so strongly asked for. Your Creator doesn’t judge; He/She/It gives you everything you want and need to keep playing this game of life. In that moment when you ask, whether you consciously asked for it or not, it is immediately given to you. Your request has been completed. Your wish has been granted. Your prayer has been answered. You asked and it has been given to you; always. Step 3- Receive This is the most important step for you because it is the step you are responsible for. Here is where you apply everything I showed you above. You understand that the LOA is a Universal Law that is always being applied whether you're ready for it or not. It is always responding to what you're focusing on. You also understand through Mental Science that you can control your mind and gently direct it to focus on those things that you need to focus upon to feel good so the LOA can bring you more of those things. The key to have everything you want in life is the way you feel. If you really want to have the life of your dreams, you need to learn to feel good to receive it. Yes, it is that simple: You need to feel good. The struggle we most have is feeling good before we receive what we so much desire. But we need to trust and believe and know that once you feel good where you are right now you will begin receiving everything you want in this life. This means that you have to do some work here: FEEL GOOD. It’s all in your hands now. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” –William Ernest Henley Now that you know about the LOA, the power to control your Mind, and the Creative Process, what are you going to create? The possibilities to create are endless for this life. Like Abraham Hicks says “You can Be and Do and Have whatever you want.” So, where are you going to start? Don’t think you can do it on your own? I can help you. Do you have any question about the LOA? or about how to create anything you want in your life? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer it. Did you like this post? Subscribe to begin receiving more like it in your inbox every week. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, feel free to share this post with them. Thank you, Related Posts: Understanding the Laws of the Universe The Secret About Mental Science How The Law of Attraction Works How to Receive Abundance in Your Life Image credit:
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/30/2016 08:18:07 pm
I love it when people find just what they needed in my publications. Thank you so much for letting me know Mariam! :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/30/2016 08:20:56 pm
I'm glad you liked it Kate! Thank you :) 8/31/2016 03:20:43 am
You got it in a nutshell, Claudia! "The struggle we most have is feeling good before we receive what we so much desire....FEEL GOOD. It’s all in your hands now." The key to manifesting! Thanks for a lovely post!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/1/2016 11:17:51 pm
I'm glad you liked it Reba!! Thank you for letting me know :) Sometimes the receive part is the hardest. We put out there what we want, and it is given to us, and then our lives really become what we asked for but it confuses some. Mostly recently, I have searched for peace and balance in the constant chaos of working motherhood, and I actually have found peace and balance. I almost want to ask when is the floor going to fall from beneath me, but the reality is that like you said, most of it comes from the law of attraction. Have a great day!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/1/2016 11:22:43 pm
That's right Brittany. Peace and balance came because you asked for it. Ask and it is given. Guess what's going to happen if you keep asking "when is the floor going to fall from beneath me"? Something you don't really want, right? Instead focus on appreciating the peace and balance you already have so you keep receiving more of it. Best wishes :)
8/31/2016 06:56:26 am
Beautifully said Claudia, most people wait to feel good after the get what they want and fail to realize that choosing to feel good will actually help them get more of what they want.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/1/2016 11:26:38 pm
Most of us have understood the rules of the game wrong! We need to feel good no matter what. That's the ultimate goal we ask for something anyway, isn't? Why not feel good while we know it is on its way to us? We have the full power to do so. Thank you for your comment Rachel :) 8/31/2016 07:37:11 am
I think receiving is the hardest thing to do for most women. We are so used to always being the givers.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/1/2016 11:31:09 pm
I believe it comes from the hero stories we all love so much. We want to sacrifice ourselves for others when in reality we are hurting them. We are hurting them by giving them a bad example to follow. We need to change the whole hero story to what it truly should be. A hero story where we benefit so others can benefit as well. A real inspiring hero story worthy to follow.
Linda Devine
8/31/2016 08:23:37 pm
I enjoy your blogs so much. I am so happy that you came into my life and are teaching me so many good things. Sometimes it is hard to be deserving but what you said in this last blog kind of puts it more into perspective. Thank you again.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/1/2016 11:33:53 pm
Thank you Linda for being such a faithful reader of my posts!. I'm honored that my teachings serve you beyond our coaching sessions. I appreciate you letting me know. Hugs :) 9/1/2016 06:27:32 am
Great post Claudia! I believe the most difficult step is this process is to receive. There are so many blessings in our lives but we often block them by not recognizing them or being open to receive them if they come in a different package than we requested! Thank you so much!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/1/2016 11:37:58 pm
The good thing is that as long as we keep a good frequency in us, the opportunities keep coming until we see them. Getting discouraged for not seeing them only moves us in the wrong direction. It is a very delicate work that needs all of our mind in it... but it is possible. Thank you Kelley :) Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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