When you’re depressed you feel there’s no hope of you getting out of that hole. But trust me when I say that it’s possible, because I lived it. Once you get out of depression, you’ll need to do all that you can do to stay out. Here are some ideas to show you how you can start, according to my experience. The first step to begin getting out of the hole of depression, after seeking professional help of course, is to do emotional healing to remove those negative energies that you’re carrying in your body. Stay out of the hole Once you’re out of the hole of depression, you stay out of depression by choosing and focusing on feeling good. Once you’re used to feeling good, it will be very hard for you to be depressed again. I’m not saying it’s not possible but with your new knowledge it will be very hard. Now, how do you focus on feeling good every day? First of all you focus on feeling good today only. Not tomorrow, or the next day, or next week, or next year. That’s too much to focus upon and will only make you feel overwhelmed. So focus on just feeling good today. In order to do that, you maintain yourself, and your thoughts, entertained with something that sounds and feels interesting, entertaining and it's good for you. What’s entertaining to you? There are so many things that are entertaining to you for sure. But when you feel depressed it’s hard to see them. So, I’m going to give you a few ideas. From there pick the one that feels interesting and follow it. That interest will take you to something else more interesting and entertaining and your mind and thoughts will then be full with curiosity, excitement, and anticipation –these are emotions you could feel and experience for the rest of your life. I know it’s hard to imagine that you can feel all of those good feelings when you’re depressed, but I know it’s possible because I’ve been living like that since I got out of depression. And I see no end in sight to the curiosity, excitement, and anticipation I’m experiencing. Narrow down your interest So, to find what interests you right now, focus on the one subject you have wanted to know more about. Or maybe a subject you’ve been told not to look into, or a subject you feel it’s forbidden but that you feel it will be good to you, your mind and your body. It can about something you have always wanted to know more of. It could be about other cultures, lands or oceans. Or maybe about what this life is for or about what gives meaning to the human life. Or maybe about astrology, numerology, mental science, law of attraction or spirituality. How about extraterrestrial life, other planets and spaceships? Or maybe about near death experiences, life after death, past lives, soul plans and spirit guides? Humanity origins, nature laws or genetics? You get the idea. By now I’m sure something came to your mind. Any theme that sounds interesting is good to follow. So, pick one theme for now, you can change it later if you want to. Do your research Once you know what you feel a little of interest or curiosity for begin your research. If you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, begin with any of these methods: Read: Reading is my favorite. Find authors in the subject that interests you and read what they have to say. You don’t have to believe what they say, remember that what they wrote is only their opinions -just like what you’re reading right now, it’s only my opinion. But if that information resonates with you, follow that thread. You can also read anything online like you’re doing it right now. Google your theme and follow the information. Just make sure you pay attention to what you’re reading -it has to feel good and true to you, otherwise just discard that information. Watch: You can watch documentaries and movies, and you can watch videos of interviews and speeches. The best place to find these videos is You Tube but now with TV streaming you can find them almost anywhere. Again, use your gut to discern between what serves you and is good for you and discard the rest. Listen: If you don’t want to read or don’t have time to watch, then try listening. Listen to audio-books, listen to podcasts or even listen You Tube on your phone. Spotify also has very good podcasts and audio-books. I’m sure there many more options for listening out there, but since it’s my least favorite for now it’s the one I know the least about. Curiosity is therefore a lot easier to reach at times than full-on passion –and the stakes are lower, easier to manage. The trick is to just follow your small moments of curiosity.” —Elizabeth Gilbert Once you get a glimpse of what it feels like to be out of depression, you need to do all you have to do to stay out. The best way to start is to follow what interests you, to pay attention to what makes you curious, and to investigate what you want to know more of. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Emotional Healing For Your Heart Bring Down The Walls Around Your Heart 5 Steps To Get Out Of Depression Without Medications Know Yourself And Be Happy Image source: https://www.123rf.com/profile_stockbroker Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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