Much of the pain and suffering we experience in this life is because we do not know how to let go; letting go of our jobs, letting go of relationships, letting go of our life stages, letting go of our deceased, and more. The sooner we learn to let go, the sooner we rid ourselves of extra energetic weight that’s pulling us down and keeping us in places we don’t want to be; and the sooner we begin to feel happier. Learn to let goEverything has a beginning and an end in this universe. Understanding and accepting this simple truth can save us of so much pain. It is when we try to keep alive something that is ending or something that has reached the end of its life, that we experience intense emotional pain. Unfortunately this emotional pain then turns into mental problems that can get way out of hand. So, learn to recognize the end of cycles and learn to let things go. Begin by letting go of your need to control life, your need to control the past, and your need to control the future. Let go of the need to control lifeThe only things you can control in life are the things that depend on you. There’s no way you can control others, much less control the cycle of life. Let go of jobs –When people get fired from a job they feel as if that was the worst tragedy ever, as if part of themselves are lost, or as if that was the only job available for them ever –even if it was miserable for them. When you understand that everything we begin will eventually have an end, you’ll understand and be okay when the time of that job is over. Let go of relationships –Relationships with co-workers, partnerships, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, and spouse are in the category of relationships that can end forever. Blood relationships (relatives, children, and parents) might not end forever but can be severed. When that happens, learn to let them go. Let go of life stages –Your life stages (childhood, adolescence, youth) can also be gone forever. Your childhood and your adolescence are gone. Your youth might not be gone yet but one day it will be and you need to accept it and let it go. What you can do instead is to focus in living and enjoying the stage you’re at right now –there’s beauty in each one of them. Let go of the deceased –I know this is not as easy, especially when the deceased was so close to you. But we need to understand and accept that they’re gone –at least physically. What you can do, as long as it feels good to do it, is to be grateful that they were here in this world at this time sharing their life with you -appreciate and love that. Let go of the pastWe also need to learn to let go of all the things that we used to be, things that we used to do, and things that we used to have. Accept that this is the cycle of life and accept of the need to let go. Let go of physical things –You might have some things from your past that for some reason you still keep in your closet or storage room. If they’re stored and not seen or used often, make sure you review them and decide if you still want them. Physical things are also energy and that energy also weighs down. Let go of past hurts –Thinking of past hurts only brings their energy to the present. You’re hurting your energy when you do this. Let those old hurts go by and learn to think differently about them –find them a new perspective. If you can’t let go that easy, emotional healing might help you. Let go of negative emotions –If you keep feeling angry in the present towards someone that made you feel bad, or that made you feel any other negative feeling emotion, it’s because you still keep finding excuses in the present to feel that emotion. Let it go. Choose to feel better. Let go of drama –We all have some drama in our lives, but unless it uplifts you and makes you grow, you don’t need it. Let it go. There are so many positive stories to focus on instead. Never doubt that you have the power to choose what to focus upon. Let go of the futureBeing afraid of what might come in the future is just a symptom of feeling alone and unsupported in the present. If you knew how supported in life you are, you would never be afraid. Let go of uncertainty –Let go of the fear of uncertainty, learn to ride the wave of life and focus your energy on the only areas you have control of –the areas that depend on you. Let go of fear –Well, a little speck of fear is in every negative feeling emotion. But when you’re fully engulfed in the fear of what might come, it’s because your present doesn’t look promising. The irony of this is that by being in fear, you remove yourself from the only moment you can change things to be joyful – the present. Let go of anxiety –I believe any kind of anxiety is the result of overthinking in the possibility of negative outcomes. Whenever you feel anxious about the future, notice what thought is driving you crazy, observe it, ask your Soul if it is true (very likely you’ll get a no), and then move on to better feeling thoughts. Experiencing negative feeling emotions from either the past or the future is normal. Don’t be hard on yourself when you feel them. I don’t want you to suppress what you feel; that’s not what I teach. What I teach is that it’s okay to feel negative feeling emotions. Just make sure that as soon as you realize how you feel, you make changes to feel good and centered again. Meaning: as soon you realize you’re not feeling good, do all you can to begin feeling better -capisce? Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well." -Buddhist saying Life is supposed to be good and you’re supposed to feel happy. We didn’t choose to be here to live a miserable life holding on to things that only weigh us down or trying to control things that are impossible for us to control. Release what you no longer need and no longer serves you, and be open and excited to all the possibilities that you have ahead. Remember, when a cycle ends a new one is starting, and that's good. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: What Are The Most Important Areas In Your Life? When A Loved One Dies Learn to Live With Uncertainty Choose Your Thoughts Wisely Image source:
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