Uncertainty is like a two-sided coin. On one side there’s a life of anxiety and fear of what might come, and on the other side there is a life of excitement, joy and anticipation. Which side do you prefer? The only certain thing in this world is change, and as long as there’s change there’s uncertainty. Everything in life is uncertain because everyone involved in it is enforcing their own free will. Every living being: planets, humans, animals, plants, minerals are all involved in this life. Each one of them have a free will, including you, and it’s this very aspect that makes up life. If you cannot be certain of yourself, how could you ever be certain of all of these beings that surround you at all times enforcing their free will? You can’t. It’s impossible because each decision changes everything. So why not relax and let that need to have control and certainty for your future go. Adjust to uncertainty Don’t get too frightened when uncertain changes happen. If a change happened it’s because it needed to happen and there is nothing we can do about it but to accept it and adjust accordingly. Learn to adjust to life just like you adjust to the waves of the ocean. When you’re in the ocean you’re never certain of the kind of wave that’s coming your way, still you’re totally okay with it. Whatever kind of wave comes to you, you adjust and keep doing whatever you’re doing. You’re not angry or sad or depressed nor yelling or screaming at the ocean for not giving you the wave you wanted, you’re just there interacting with it. And if you don’t like the behavior of the ocean in that moment, you just simply retreat and come back later. You know and accept that things like this happen and you’re not going to stop living your life just because of it. Instead you’re just going to adjust your life to the occasion and continue living. Adjusting your life includes adjusting your thoughts, emotions and perception about the situations that come your way. Living in uncertain timesYes, we’re living in uncertain times, like the news says, but we always are. That is not news; it should never be news because there is no other way. Is the gas price going up? Adjust your driving habits. Are the news scaring you and making you fearful and hopeless about life? Reduce the time you watch, listen and read the news. I mean, do you really need to know everything that's happening out there? I don’t think so. Are the ideas of the President of your country keeping you up at night? Remember, a country is not a company that can be run by one person, but by a group of people with checks and balances included in the government. Besides, if the president is there it’s because it needed to be there. Fear not my friend. There are no accidents or mistakes in this life. What I recommend you to do is to create your own inner certainty so the events of this external world don’t affect you that much. Create your own “inner certainty” Now you know that life is for sure uncertain and there’s nothing we can do to change that. There is something you can definitely do, though, to help you live a more peaceful life: create your own “inner certainty”. Your own certainty is your own center. Your inner pillar of determination and strength where you know that no matter what happens or is happening in the world or around you; you know that everything is the way it should be and that you'll be fine. To create your own pillar of strength first you need to know and accept yourself: who you are, how you are and why you are that way. Once you know this fundamental information, you’ll know how's going to affect you everything that happens around you because you're prepared. Then you need to identify your intention for being in this world. By knowing your intention for living this life you learn to note what happens around you and how it affects or might affect you. You will learn to pay attention only to what you need to know and can do something about. Everything else you're going to let it go. Develop positive and helpful character traits such as:
Enjoy the ride of life. Have fun while you’re living in this world; you didn’t come here to be miserable. That free will we’re all equipped with, use it to choose to feel good. It’s that simple. It’s a choice, it’s always a choice. Fall in love with uncertainty and she will never cause you harm. Resist her, and you will be tossed and turned in her waters until you can no longer breathe.” –Teal Swan Life has always been uncertain and I’m certain that there has been worst times than our times. And still our time is much, much better that it has ever been. So, don’t worry too much about life and be certain that uncertainty is good. Did you like this post? Let me send you more like it to your inbox every week. All you need to do is to subscribe here. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, feel free to share this post with them. Thank you, Related Posts: Do You Want a Successful Life? How to Receive Abundance in Your Life Both Suffering and Joy Begin In the Mind 9 Ways to Help You Discover Your Life’s Purpose Image credit: http://www.123rf.com/profile_wavebreakmediamicro Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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