Even though our priorities change from time to time, the focus and energy we place on the important areas of our life are what determine the success or failure of what’s really important to us. To make sure that you are successful in your life, according to your own standards, find the areas of life that are most important for you and focus most of your time and energy on them. 7 Areas of LifeMost people have these 7 areas of life. I have divided them into internal and externals. Internal areas of life are those that you can control. You can control your health, your personal growth, your abundance, and leisure areas. The external areas of life are those areas you have not much control over -such as your community, your environment, and relationships with other people. Even though you don't have full control over the external areas, you can definitely influence them. For instance, you do not have control over other people's behavior, actions or life, but you definitely have control over the type of relationship you have with them and even more control over how you want to be treated.
I have included Spirituality in the growth area, but I strongly believe that our entire life experience is about Spirituality. I mean, we are spirit, there's no other way but to everything be about spirituality, don't you think? The reason I reduced it to be a part of an area of life it's for you to have a way to focus on your spiritual growth. Spirituality is not a religion. Spirituality is the means you use to reach a state of enlightenment and personal growth. Those means can be a religion, practices, principles, goals, beliefs, thoughts, or the combination of any of them and/or something else as long they're healthy. The possibilities are endless. My top 3So, my top areas of life at this moment, and I hope for a long time, are:
This does not mean that I don’t care about other areas, I do and very much so, but when talking about priorities, these are my top 3. Your top 3 areas of life don’t have to be fixed all of your life. They change as your experiences and priorities change. But as you get older it's most likely that they don’t change that much anymore because by this time you might already know what you really want. How to pick your top three areas of life:You can select your top 3 areas of life by experiencing undesirable events that make you realize what's important; you can do this short and quick exercise below to find your priorities; or you can do both as I've done it to find mine.
You don’t have to stop and do other things from other areas in order to focus only on your new top 3. In some cases that might be impossible since they might be interrelated. The main purpose of this exercise is so you get involved in your top three areas until you feel content and happy with the developing of them. Once you get to that point, you can put more time and effort to other areas as you feel it’s necessary for you to feel good, while fulfilling your goals and dreams. “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I hope this gives you an idea of how to find your top 3 areas of life. You can go ahead and prioritize them all in order of importance if you want. Just remember your top 3 when the time for critical decisions and priorities come. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Get Out of The Loop 3 Steps to Know What You Really Want Have Your Priorities Changed? 7 Inspiring Quotes To Help You Succeed In Life Image source: Claudia LeBaron Islas Comments are closed.
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