Hell is a place way closer to us than we might ever imagine. And if you’re there, you might not know it, but for sure as hell you can feel it. For the longest time humans have felt threatened by a place no one wants to mention much less wants to go to. The thing is that you might already be there and you don’t even know it. Keep reading to learn what and where hell is and how to stay away from that place. The beginning of the idea of hell The word “hell” seems to come from a very old German language called proto-Germanic and the meaning of the word was “One who covers up or hides something.” Later on in another variation of German the meaning was shortened to mean “to conceal.” By the time that same word got into the old English language it meant “nether (under) world” or “abode of the dead.” After doing my research about where the heck is hell, I have come to the conclusion that the word hell meant something people don’t want others to see or places that were concealed to the human eye, like places where the dead go. Currently the word “hell” is used to represent a “place or state of punishment” or a “place or state of torment or misery”, or “something that causes torment or misery.” Since the word had a meaning that represented a place where the dead go and since no one could attest that that was not a bad place, I believe people with power began to use it to scare and control others. The idea was to instill fear in people to stop unwanted behavior and actions. This was especially true to instill fear in those that committed crimes because the earthly consequences were not enough to stop them. The idea had to be strong enough to make it clear to people that crime is not rewarding and that if they didn’t pay for the crime in this lifetime, they will pay for it when they die. I mean, if I tell you that what you’re doing right now, especially if I don’t like it, is going to bring you a consequence of eternal torment, suffering and misery after you die; that’s going to scare you. Right? Who wants to be suffering the worst torment you can ever suffer here on earth, and even more, for an eternity? Nobody! People saw this idea worked well to help them keep control of people who committed or were thinking in committing crimes. Apparently it worked and still works so well until this day otherwise the word and concept wouldn’t still be used. But I hope one day we will all have more respect and love for ourselves and for others that this idea and threat of hell will no longer be needed. Where is the true hell? Now, going back to the original definition of the word "hell", you’ll find that the word meant one who covers up or hides something. It seems it meant something that couldn't be seen since it was later adjusted to represent the abode of the dead; which it's also something that can't be seen. So, I believe very strongly that the word hell was used to represent the hell a person was living while on earth. That hell we all experience and try to hide so no one can see it. This hell I’m talking about is about living in a constant inner suffering and torment. Translating this to what I teach, it means that those people who are living hell are people who are feeling negative emotions most of the day; and according to their beliefs and perception they cannot get out of feeling that way. That for sure is true hell. Hell is here in this world and it totally has to do with the way you feel emotionally. Some of those negative emotions that cause you to experience feelings like you’re in hell are pessimism, worry, anxiety, doubt, anger, resentment, hatred, revenge, shame, powerlessness, hopelessness, despair, grief, regret, guilt -and these are just a few. These negative feeling emotions, combined with our negative beliefs and negative perception of life, are the perfect combination to be living in hell while living on this earth. Earth is heaven, or hell; your choice.” – Abraham Hicks Get out of hell now Now, to get out of hell, that inner torment we all want to “conceal”, is very simple although not necessarily easy. But the most importantly point I want you to understand is that you and only you have to do the work to get out of there -no one else can do it for you, but we can definitely help you. Many people prefer to find something external to help them deal with their inner hell. It's very likely that they can find some temporary relief but nothing can ever bring them a lasting benefit like getting out of that inner hell once and for all. The true lasting benefit to changing your inner emotions is to do the inner work. For awhile stop going outside yourself for help, and sit down. Sit down quietly, close your eyes and begin to pay attention to how you feel. Get to know each and every feeling in your body. How does your body feel? Where in your body do you feel those emotions? How often do you feel them? Get to know yourself. Now comes hardest part: you need to get those emotions out. How? There are many different ways to do it but the most important thing right now is to get you to acknowledge the hell you’re living and that you begin to recognize what you're feeling. Don’t be afraid of feeling, or feeling again, those painful negative emotions you've felt before. Allow yourself to feel. It is good to feel. So many are being drowned in emotional attachment and doubt; they dwell in the most horrible hell.” — Guru Arjan Do you need help releasing those negative emotions and get out of the hell you’re living? I can help you. I can help you release those emotions that need to leave your body once and for all and for ever. And the best thing is that we don’t even need to talk about what caused those emotions. I can work with you at a distance from wherever in the world you are. We can communicate via email or we can talk over the phone or video call. Or we can work in person if you're here in the area of Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Once those negatives emotions are released from your body, you could begin to feel deeper love for yourself and for others; you could begin to find relief of some physical pain; and you could also begin to make more money. Now, which of these benefits would you like in your life? and why? Let me know in the comments below. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox every week. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Image credit: https://www.123rf.com/profile_gracel21 Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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