You might keep hearing over and over that if you want a better life you ought to begin by loving yourself. But how exactly do you that? How do you love yourself? We know that loving ourselves means to be kind and compassionate toward oneself, but there are more components that form part of who and what YOU really are. Join me this week as I give you lots of information to go deep into each one of those components so you are aware of, accept and love yourself. I’m one of those people who say you need to love yourself if you want a better life, but also I’m one of those people who tell you how. I’ve done it before, I’m doing it today, and will be doing it again in the future. Today I want to give a different approach, a more holistic approach that encompasses emotions, mind, body and Soul. After reading this post and all the posts linked in it you will be able to see life with a new and broader perspective. This new point of view is going to help you be more kind, caring and compassionate towards yourself. It’s going to help you love yourself more. Below I’m separating each component and adding blog posts I’ve previously posted which are going to help you dig deeper and better understand each part of your being. This is why I want to go into each one of those components to give you more depth so you can understand your true Self and love what you find. How do you love yourself? Who is the most precious human being whose your life depend on? The physical, mental, and emotional health of this human being is directly correlated with your stay in this world. This being is more than just emotions, more than just mind, more than just body and more than just Soul. This being is ALL OF THEM, and it is YOU! If you truly want to love yourself, first you need to accept who and how you are. It is only when you accept who and how you are that you’re ready to grow. This is why it’s so important to honor, respect and believe in all that feels true to you. Here are a few posts that I wrote about what loving your true self means and what you can begin doing now to accept yourself: Who Do You Think You Are? What Does Loving Yourself Even Mean? If You’re Going To Love Someone, Love Yourself First Listen To Yourself Talk You Are More Valuable Than You Think Emotions Once you love and accept who you truly are, you are then ready to get to know how to manage your emotions. Emotions are indicators of how you feel and there is difference to short term and long term emotions. In the posts below I explained what emotions and moods are and the difference between them so you recognize how you feel and be prepared to make changes to feel the way you want to feel. What The Inside Out Movie Is Missing 6 Steps To Begin Living a Happier Life Happiness is Where You Live Mind If you had an engine, the mind would be it. The mind is always working without your consent just like all your organs. The only little detail here is that you can “hear” more what your mind is doing than what any other organ is doing. For this reason I write so much about your mind and how to manage it and control it. These are a few posts that can help you understand how your mind works and how to take control over it: Both Suffering and Joy Begin In the Mind The Secret About Mental Science Choose Your Thoughts Wisely Your Life Is Created By Your Thoughts Mastering Positive Brainstorming 9 Ways To Calm Your Mind Learn To Meditate The Easy Way Body Your body is a reflection of what is going on in your mind, thoughts and emotions. I strongly believe that just like you can use your mind to heal your body, you can also use your mind to get it sick. In these posts below I explain how that happens and also give you ideas as to what you can begin doing now before you need Professional help. Stress and Negative Emotions Can Get You Sick What is Energy Healing? Emotional Healing For Your Heart SoulLastly, but definitely not least, is your Soul. Your Soul is the extension of Spirit energy that keeps your body breathing and alive. If the Soul was not here all the time with you, your body would be empty, lifeless and perish just like when people die. To understand more about your Soul component, I wrote posts that will help you see this how everything is connected within us and for us. Where Do We Come From? What Does It Mean To Be Spiritual? The Key to Understanding Your Soul’s Direction This IS Heaven Where is God? Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” –Lucille Bell It’s very important that you connect all of these components in your understanding so you can truly see what loving yourself really means. If all of this seems too much for you, begin from the beginning. I recommend you to begin learning about emotions, then about the mind, then your body, lastly about Spirit. Do you have any more information or insights as to how to help others love themselves? Would you please share it in the comments below? Thank you. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox every week. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Posts: Listen To Yourself Talk Both Suffering and Joy Begin In the Mind Happiness is Where You Live 6 Steps to Begin Living a Happier Life Image credit: Comments are closed.
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