Would you be interested in feeling good most of the time? How about going from feeling depression to feeling joy? It can be possible sooner than you think if you use the Harmony Scale. Feeling good is an inside job. Since emotions happen within your body, you are the only one who can choose how to feel at all times—and the Harmony Scale can help you with that. Feeling good Everybody wants to feel good. Unfortunately most people don’t know how. In an effort to try to feel better we’re going back and forth through pleasant and unpleasant emotions along the emotional spectrum. There is not much guidance available with regards to how to manage our emotions. Without a guide we just don’t know how far or how close we are to feeling better, and we just give up. If we had a map with guidance that tells us how close we are to getting to our desired destination, we would definitely choose to feel good most of the time to get there sooner. It is not possible to feel good all of the time, but it is definitely possible to feel good most of the time, and it can be possible with the guidance of the Harmony Scale. What is the Harmony Scale? Living this life not knowing how to manage our emotions it’s as if we are living with a blindfold trying to find a safe spot. With the Harmony Scale, that blindfold is completely removed. The Harmony Scale is a visual representation of the range of emotions you’re capable of feeling. It is a chart from zero to 100 with a different emotional frequency on every tenth marker. It starts with the most negative-feeling emotions in the zero marker making its way to the most positive emotion in the 100 marker. Emotions in the 0-40 ranges are emotions that do not feel good in the body and I call them negative-feeling emotions. Emotions in the 60-100 are the positive-feeling emotions-emotions that feel pleasant in the body. I call emotions in the 50 marker as neutral, but they tend to be more negative-feeling emotions. The main purpose of the Harmony Scale is to give you a visual feedback of your current emotional state, to show you how close you are to feeling better, and to remind you that only you can choose how to feel at all times. How to use the Harmony Scale Step 1- Determine how you feel NOW Find the emotion, or range of emotions, that you have been feeling most of the time—it can be feelings about a particular subject or in general. Use the emoji faces to help you find them. Download the Harmony Scale PDF here. Step 2- CHOOSE how you want to feel Find an improved emotion to feel. Choose between 10 and 20 points higher from how you feel now. Take a couple of slow and deep breaths then imagine for at least one minute how it feels, to you, to feel that emotion you want to feel. Step 3- Do ALL you can to feel good Focus on being, having, and doing things that make you feel good most of the time. Start by paying attention to your thoughts, then to what you see, hear, and speak. It’s not bad to feel negative-feeling emotions. So, be gentle with yourself and don’t force anything. Every little progress towards 100 is good. Repeat steps 1-2-3 as needed during the day. Step 4- Start AGAIN in the morning Every morning before you leave your bedroom, start by choosing how you want to feel that day (step 2). Then do everything you can throughout the day to stay feeling this emotion (step 3). There’s no problem if you don’t feel as you planned it. Just make sure you start again in the morning. The ultimate goal is that you feel emotions from the 70-100 range most of the time. Remember, every little step towards 100 is good. Be kind and gentle with yourself when your day doesn’t go as you planned it, and start again the next morning. Feeling good is a matter of choice. Don’t over-complicate this process. Life’s easier than what most people think.” —Claudia LeBaron Islas Benefits of using the Harmony Scale Using the Harmony Scale helps you feel good most of the time, helps you improve your life, and helps you connect with your Soul. No, it is not about pretending to feel good. It is about doing all we can do to feel good and genuinely feel good. It's for our own benefit. Other benefits you may experience:
Request your Harmony Scale here and learn more about how you can feel good and enjoy your life starting today. I published this same emotional chart (with a few emotions modified) back in December 2015. I published it with the name of the Joy Scale. After a series of circumstances I realized the name had to be changed. I changed it from Joy Scale to Harmony Scale. The reason I tell you this is because you might still find the Joy Scale name in old blog posts and social media publications. So far I have no intention on updating them but that might change in the future. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, feel free to share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: You Are More Valuable Than You Think Who Are You Listening To, And Why You Should Stop How To Love Yourself 6 Steps to Begin Living a Happier Life Image: Claudia LeBaron Islas Comments are closed.
Subscribe and download the "4 Steps to Start Your Day on a High Note" plus the Harmony Scale of emotions. Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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