We are living in a world where people hear from all directions ideas about what to do and what not to do with their lives. It’s no wonder people are all confused, powerless and depressed. If you want to live a free and happy life, you have to take control of it. Now is the best time you put a stop to all those voices and begin paying attention to your own. This week I was listening to a talk from Joseph Campbell and as I was listening I realized how stories, legends and mythologies have influenced what people believed and did throughout their lives. Although that’s still true today, the stories we’re now listening are coming from about everywhere. Information overload For the longest time humanity had been taught how to think, what to believe and what to do through a simple line of communication. This line was mostly through mythology, their ancestors or their government. With the ever changing times we’re living right now, that line of communication opened to all mythologies, all ancestors, all governments, and to everyone else, literally. With this information overload we are experiencing right now, information coming from everywhere, there is a very strong sense of confusion that sometimes leads people to not take action or to take the wrong action. No wonder we’re living in record times of confusion, powerlessness, depression and anxiety. Everyone wants your attention Before the communication era we’re currently living in, guidance came mostly from the wise and influential. Now it’s coming from everywhere and everyone mixed with not so much wise information. We hear one thing from one source and then another from another source, and sometimes even the opposite from the same source. They’re doing just about anything to get your attention even when it includes lying and deceiving. But looking at the big picture of all of this noise from everyone, it’s actually good. It is good because in the process of hearing everyone, we will not want to hear anyone, we will learn to discern what we hear, and we will be responsible of what we hear. In time we will no longer go following someone so blindly that in the process of paying attention to them we lose ourselves. In time, and I hope it’s soon for you; you’ll begin paying more attention to yourself. Pay attention to your own voice The only way to truly be happy, free and at peace is to listen to you. Don’t follow others’ thoughts, ideas or actions, not even mine. Only follow your own. This does not mean you’re not going to follow ideas you resonate with. Yes, follow them, but follow them on your own terms. It’s fundamental you understand this since you’re the only one in control of your life. I said above that the only and true way to be happy is to listen to you. You do this by going inward and truly listening yourself. This is very important. Your truths, your desires, your joys are all already inside of you. So, don’t try to evade this is step; there’s no other way around it but to go inward. You can begin by taking 1 minute a day to be in silence with your eyes closed and ask yourself the following (in this order):
Once you know your most pressing thoughts, how they make you feel, how you want to feel and what good feeling action to take, you’ll begin to feel better. Try it now, it only takes 1 minute. Other questions you can ask yourself are: Does this thought or action empower me? Does it make my life easier? Does it feel natural or does it feel like I’m fighting with the Universe? Does it feel like it’s the next step I should take? Depending on your answers and how they feel to you, you will know what to do next. It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” –Jiddu Krishnamurti As you may have noticed, I’m a strong advocate of focusing on you, of paying attention to how you feel and in keeping your own personal power to yourself. I do not advocate selfishness or narcissism. These are behaviors based on insecurity and fear which are at the opposite end of what I teach. What I teach you is to help you become a secure and strong person in your own right; a person with a strong sense of centered-ness, self-confidence and self-responsibility; a person that feels happy, fulfilled and successful. Did you like this post? Let me send you more like it to your inbox every week. All you need to do is subscribe here. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, feel free to share this post with them. Thank you! Related Posts: Listen To Yourself Talk Doesn’t Matter What Others Want, What Matters Is What You Want Choose Your Thoughts Wisely If You’re Going To Love Someone, Love Yourself First Image credit: https://www.123rf.com/profile_leventegyori Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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