When someone wants to direct our life, we roll our eyes. There’s a very important reason why. We’re all in this life trying to live it the best we can. Each of us is too busy dealing with our own life, having our own perspective, and barely knowing what to do with it. Perception of life The way we see life is determined by our intentions, inner guidance, desires, and our need to feel heard, important, or in control. When others tell us what to do they do it based on their life perception—and it’s very likely not matching ours since each person has their own. This disharmony between life perceptions creates discord within our body that does not feel good—and of course, we don’t like the feeling. Not only that, but most of the time we are not in harmony with other people’s perspectives. That’s because we all have a different intention for being in this life. I think it’s still a good idea to keep asking for advice and listen to other’s opinions. This will help clarify your own opinions and desires, and confirm the guidance you have already received. Whose guidance? You have your inner guidance that’s always directing you to fulfill your intention for being in this world. But there’s a caveat here, the source of your inner guidance comes to you depending on your emotional state. You see, your soul, which is where your guidance comes from, lives in the positive-feeling emotions (80-100 of the Harmony Scale)—emotions of well-being that feel good in the body. When we feel unpleasant emotions (0-50 in the Harmony Scale) we cannot hear the whispers of our soul nor its guidance. The guidance we end up hearing is either the guidance of the body—which is always focusing on its survival, the guidance of other people, or the guidance of unseen negative forces. Tell yourself what to do Instead of letting others tell you what to do with your life, tell yourself what to do it. But first, make sure you do so when you are feeling emotions from the 70-100 range of the Harmony Scale. Most thoughts coming from a place of fear only make you see life discouraging and negative. As you focus on feeling good first and listening to the guidance from your soul, you’ll feel more satisfied by the decision you make. If you don’t establish your soul connection, you’ll be wanting to find your guidance outside yourself and that’s only a recipe for disaster. When you go within to find out what to do with your life, you live a life of fulfillment, peace, harmony, freedom, and joy. So, choose to feel good right now. Start by obtaining the Harmony Scale. There is no satisfaction in allowing someone else to attempt to create your reality. In fact, it is not possible for anyone else to create your reality." —Abraham Hicks When we focus on living our lives the best we can, through our example we can serve as a beacon light to others so they learn to do the same. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, feel free to share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Doesn’t Matter What Others Want, What Matters Is What You Want Who Are You Listening To, And Why You Should Stop Improve Your Life By Listening to Your IGS Learn to “See” Others Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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