The three things under your control to help you get out of the pit of despair… and stay out. Falling into the pit of despair is part of the human experience; getting out of it is completely up to you. Despairing I know how it feels to be in the pit of despair. I've been there myself. The pit of despair is in the 0–10 range of the Harmony Scale. This means that when we are in despair we already traveled through most negative emotions in the downward spiral and remained there for a while. You are a smart person. This does not mean you’ll never fall in the pit; it just means you will want to get out faster. Not wanting to throw a pity party will allow you to see a way out sooner. And if you are prepared, you’ll make it out faster. It’s possible, totally normal, and okay to visit the pit of despair when sudden unpleasant things happen, such as when we lose a job (fear), when we make a wrong decision with fast consequences (regret), or when a loved one moves away or transitions (sadness or grief). But if we don’t decide to continue moving forward, our old, limiting thoughts will keep us in the pit. Self-Awareness There’s nothing wrong with falling into the pit of despair occasionally. It is when we extend our stay that our well-being gets affected—and consequently, the quality of our lives. To climb out of the pit of despair, you need to be aware of three things. You need to be aware of what is happening to you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Physically:
Now that you are aware of some of the things that might be going on with you while in the pit of despair, it’s time to do something about them to get you out. Climbing Out Before anything, let me tell you this: no one put you in the pit of despair but yourself. That’s why no one can take you out but yourself. So, make it your priority to improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Physical: Get moving to bring energy back to your body. Focus on bringing energy to your limbs. Start by patting your arms and legs. Slowly rotate your arms inward and outward. Do jumping jacks without jumping (arms up with one leg to the side, then the other one). Go out for a regular or fast walk. Get away from situations that make you feel in survival mode. Mental: Learn to discard thoughts that make you feel negative emotions. Entertain thoughts that make you feel positive emotions. You have a space between thoughts where you can step in and take control of your mind. Use it. Are you a procrastinator? take advantage of that and procrastinate to think things that don’t feel good. Emotional: Choose to feel pleasant emotions for as long as possible. Whether you notice it or not, you feel pleasant emotions throughout the day. You might listen to a song you like, laugh at a joke you hear, or have a pleasant memory come to mind. At those times, even if for a fleeting moment, when your thoughts are not focused on negativity, you climb out of the pit of despair. Extend those moments for as long as possible. Then, learn to intentionally be on the lookout for those moments. Be patient with yourself. Don't expect to feel better overnight. It takes time to move from despair to hope (0 to 60 on the Harmony Scale). But once you are intentional about feeling better, the time shortens significantly, and the unpleasant feelings become less intense. To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing.” –Raymond Williams it's important to understand that the pit of despair is a state of mind. It's a feeling of hopelessness and despair. It's not a reality. So, whenever you find yourself in the imaginary pit of despair, it's important to remember that you have the power to get out. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to receive more like it in your inbox. Also, feel free to share this post on your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: The Pit of Emotional Despair Why We Get Depressed and How To Get Out of It Stay Out of Depression Know Yourself And Be Happy Comments are closed.
Subscribe and download the "4 Steps to Start Your Day on a High Note" plus the Harmony Scale of emotions. Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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