Learn the 4-step process to start deactivating limiting beliefs as soon as you feel you’re not progressing with your goals. What are beliefs? Beliefs are conclusive statements we accepted as true at a particular moment. If the acceptance didn’t happen immediately, as it happens when we are in danger, it happened by repetition as we played those statements over and over in our heads. The repetitive act of thinking about our conclusive statements is what turns them into beliefs. Beliefs are at the source of everything we think is possible or not. Not only that, but they’re at the foundation of our identity and our safety. It's only natural to record conclusions in our memory about what caused us harm and pain in the past so we can avoid them in the future. Now, to make progress in life, we need empowering beliefs to help us move forward. Unfortunately, our progress is hindered when our beliefs about a particular subject are limited. What are limiting beliefs? Depending on the levels of stress in our lives is the part of the brain we function from the most. If we are stressed out most of the time, most of our thoughts and beliefs will be influenced by the brain stem, which is mostly focused on survival and no progress. If our levels of stress are low, the part of the brain we mostly function from is our neocortex, which is mostly focused on our growth and experiencing life. Limiting beliefs form when the conclusive statements we accept as true come from the survival response, in particular when we are stressed out or when our fear and aggression response is active. They're limited beliefs because the most primitive part of the brain is in charge of our life perception and therefore limits our thinking options and growth. Why we don’t make progress Everyone has ingrained within us the need to grow and evolve—the need to make progress: to live a better life, to become our best version, to live our purpose. When we don’t make progress in any of the areas of life that are important to us, it’s usually because we have limiting beliefs that are hindering us. When we live with limiting beliefs (thoughts created merely to survive), there is no time for creativity, creation, or progress. Just survival. In this case, we first need to lower our stress levels, and then we start looking within ourselves to dig those limiting beliefs out one by one to deactivate them. 4-Step process to deactivate limiting beliefs
It’s even more effective to deactivate limiting beliefs if you combine this process with some form of energy healing. You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights. ―Brian Tracy There are many other ways to deactivate limiting beliefs. Most of the time, those ways are to bring limiting beliefs out in the open for us to become consciously aware of them, which is enough to deactivate them. Recruit the help of a professional therapist if you feel you need help. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to receive more like it in your inbox. Also, feel free to share this post on your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: What is Energy Healing? How Stress Can Get You Sick Your Programs Prevent Your Growth What Are The Most Important Areas In Your Life? Comments are closed.
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