The steps you follow when you shower and get dressed got recorded on a program in your brain. Just like that program, there are many more that were created, and most of them, out of a wrong or false belief that is preventing you from growing. There might come a time when a program is no longer useful to you—if it ever was. That means it’s time to challenge them and let them go. Programs are a set of steps that you mastered because you kept repeating them over and over. The brain is always trying to save calories because it has to execute many other functions in your body, so it thrives on creating programs to facilitate tasks you commonly do. Once a program is created, the brain runs them on auto-pilot when triggered. Thoughts and beliefs feed programsAll programs begin with a thought. A thought we keep repeating over and over turns into a belief. Beliefs then give us the confidence to take certain steps. Those steps are the foundation of a program. Programs begin forming at an early age. As soon as we begin to see how our parents interact with us, we begin to create programs. "If I cry, I get food or changed or picked up." "If I kiss mama, I get love." "If I say mama or dada I get smiles and love." Once we understand the language better, we begin to hear others’ teachings, stories, and beliefs. We tend to accept what others tell us, especially when we are children. This is because the brain is designed to be programmed. Born to be programmed When babies come into this world they come with a clean slate that needs to be programmed to participate in this human experience. Their brain is primed to absorb tons of information while they are children. This is because the brain waves of a new born child up to 2 years-old are at the frequency level (delta) where they absorb e-very-thing they learn. From 2 to 6 years-old, the brain wave frequency changes to a level where hypnosis, mediation, and deep sleep take place (theta). What this tells you is that most of the things a child under 6 years-old sees, hears, tastes, touches, and smells, are going to be strongly believed and stored in the deep side of their memories. It’s as if they’re hypnotized or brain washed—especially when this information represents home, protection, and love. Most programs are fallacies As children continue to grow older, more information is being passed down to them. Unfortunately, 78% of the information passed down from other generations are fallacies. David Hawkins said in his book “Power vs Force,” according to his findings, that 78% of the world’s population calibrate below integrity in his Map of Consciousness. What this means is that most of the deep beliefs we carry since childhood are false, mistaken, and deceitful. This should give you an idea of how necessary it is to begin looking into your beliefs and programs. Most of them are wrong. “The fundamental behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes we observe in our parents become “hardwired” as synoptic pathways in our subconscious minds. Once programmed into the subconscious mind, they control our biology for the rest of our lives… or at least until we make the effort to reprogram them.” —Bruce Lipton So, whenever you want to improve your life, and you have programs that are holding you back, begin looking at the things you have been habitually thinking and doing. From there adjust your beliefs and make modifications to the steps in your programs, and continue moving forward. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, feel free to share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Your Survival Instinct is Keeping You Stuck Stop Re-living Your Unpleasant Past Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life Get Out of Your Head Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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