Are you thinking too much? Are you giving too much thought to the same things? Or worse yet, are you constantly ruminating on negative feeling thought? If your answer is yes to any of these, then it’s time for you to get out of your head a bit. We are magnificent beings and our intention for being in this world is to use our minds to create great things that can help us experience a wonderful human life. So, get out of your head and get into your life more often. The mind is like an organ that just like the liver, it never stops working. But unlike the liver, the mind is a tool you can use to your benefit by taking advantage of the laws of the universe. When I thought too muchI used to spend way too much time thinking on the tight finances, on the regrets from my past, on hurts from my childhood. So much that I went into a deep depression until I got to a point where for a few seconds I felt my thoughts were thinking me. I was not going to have that. That was the beginning of me getting out of depression. Now I understand that I was wasting time and hurting myself because unless I was thinking with purpose on how to solve my problems, I was definitely going nowhere. I didn’t know at that time that the more I thought of something the more I got more of those thoughts. In my case they were not positive thoughts; so yes, I kept getting more of them. But now I understand more the rules of the game of life and I no longer choose this. We are not only humansIf we want to understand the game of life we need to begin by understanding, recognizing and remembering that we’re not only humans. We’re something way more magnificent that allows itself to enter into human bodies to have a human experience. You can see this concept very clearly when people die. What I mean is that when people die the body stays immobile, so, where is that energy that was moving it; that was making it breathe; that was making its heart pump? That energy leaves the body, which then begins to decompose, but the energy that moved it continues to exist forever... and that energy is what we truly are. Spend more time being your true You Now that you know you’re energy, the next step to understand and realize is that the mind is just a tool for us to use while living this human experience. This means that we are not meant to spend all of that energy that we really are just in the mind. We didn’t come to this world to just limit ourselves and live from that tool. Like I said, you’re way more magnificent than that. There are so many wonderful things to focus upon. There are so many wonderful things you can use that mind of yours to create. You are a creator! Create the life you really want and use your mind to benefit you. The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely.” –David Cuschieri If you’re a person who thinks too much, you might as well use that thinking time to create positive things in your life. Things like inventing something, writing books, creating art, designing systems and program that help improve yours and other people’s lives, etc. First you’ll need to learn to choose positive thoughts to think. Then make an agreement with yourself that you’re going to choose positive thoughts more and more often so that you get more and more of them. Sometimes to remove yourself from negative thoughts, especially from thoughts that keep you living in the pain and regret from the past, or in the anxiety of the future, it’s necessary to go through emotional healing. I’m a certified emotional healer and I can help you. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Understanding the Laws of the Universe Mastering Positive Brainstorming Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life 5 Steps To Get Out Of Depression Without Medications Image source: Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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