At some point or another we’ve all dimmed our inner light. To dim our inner light means that we allow ourselves to be less than the human being we are meant to be. Do you do that? Do you tend to be less than who you are? Although some people are more prone to dim their inner light than others, I believe everyone has the full power to increase their inner brightness again. How do you dim your inner light? Dimming your inner lights means that you are being less than the bright being that you are. Some do it consciously, but I believe most people do it unconsciously. You dim your inner light to stop, or prevent, yourself from doing something. Or to stop, or prevent, yourself from being someone you want to be. Or to stop, or prevent, yourself from having what you so deeply desire. Anything that makes you feel and be less than the full of light being that you are is not going to feel good with you. When and why you started Most of the things we unconsciously do begin in childhood. You might have self-taught or you were taught by others, maybe through fear or ridicule, that it was not a good idea to be your full self. Or maybe you might have self-taught, or you were taught by others, that you had to stop being yourself if you wanted something or someone in your life. That you had to focus on pleasing others if you wanted a job, or to be in a relationship, or to have certain a friendship or friends in general, or any other thing that was important to you. Whatever the reason was that caused you to dim your own inner light, it comes from you feeling and believing that you don’t have enough value or worth to be that beautiful and bright being that you are. You feel that way because someone told you so or because you learned to believe that on your own. But that can be changed. How to brightly shine your inner light again All changes begin with an intention. It is until you’re ready to make a change that you can make a change. Do not expect anything or anyone else to do it for you. You have to take charge of yourself. You have to take charge of your inner light. You have to take charge of your life. Begin with these steps:
Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds.” –Rumi Your divine and full birth right is to be this wonderful being full of God’s light. Do not let yourself be anything less than that. As you allow yourself to be bright, you, without knowing, give others permission to be bright as well. Did you used to dim your inner light? Or, are you dimming your inner light right now? Share with us what you did to reclaim your inner light, or the plans you have to brighten yourself up again. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox every week. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Posts: How To Love Yourself Consciousness is The Key to Enlightenment Improve Your Life By Listening to Your IGS Doesn’t Matter What Others Want, What Matters Is What You Want Image credit:
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Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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