We have been taught for hundreds of years that we need to forgive others, but what if we had it all wrong like so many other things? What if we didn’t have to forgive anyone, not even ourselves? I know this is a very delicate subject, one not everyone will understand, so I want to clarify that the main message of this post is to learn to understand life and to let go of unpleasant emotions. We’ve been taught that we need to forgive those that trespass against us, or ask for forgiveness for our trespasses, but when you understand that all acts each of us commit is part of a much larger purpose, you will know that there is nothing to forgive but everything to understand. This is by no means a permission slip to go out and hurt others, in fact, if you do so you will not be feeling good with yourself. No one who understands what I’m writing and explaining here, will go out and hurt anyone. If you think this is a permission to hurt others or seek revenge, it only means you do not understand at all my message and what I teach, so I invite you to read more. Resentment and forgiveness Believing that we need to forgive means that we already have at least emotions of blame, resentment, anger, hatred, shame, sadness, regret and/or guilt in us therefore we’re living in that emotional state. Those emotions make us see life in a way that causes us to make decisions that otherwise we would not have made. Although in many cases are not very pleasant, there are many more that had not been for those moments we wouldn’t be where we currently are, granted where we are is better than where we were. Feeling negative emotions are a wonderful opportunity to identify exactly what you don’t want or don't like and immediately turn it into what you do want, put your entire focus on it and begin your way to it. Begin imagining how you are going to feel when you get to that new place you want and the process will be easier. So instead of feeling a need to forgive, see your negative emotions as an opportunity to grow and improve your life. Understand and don’t judgeWe're all part of this game of life, and we're all contributing, whether we want it or not, to each other’s life directly or indirectly. Every act you or anyone commits is affecting many others. Some of those decisions and acts are needed to take us in the direction we need to go based on the intention of our souls. Every act, choice and word is needed to take us in the direction we need to go. Granted that not every detail may be needed, since there are countless options, I still want you to remember that everything that's happening is supposed to happen for the same reason that it is already happening, and it is okay. Our responsibility in this life lies in how we react and what decisions we make to continue playing this game. This life is not a game of hatred and resentment, this game was supposed to be fun. I know that at certain times it doesn’t feel fun at all; especially when you feel that you don’t have any power to affect your circumstances. But let me remind you that you have all the power in the universe to change the way you feel. Once you recognize the way you feel, you will understand the way others feel and will see that what they say or do are only a reflection of what you are expecting of them, of the emotional state in which they live, and of their life’s intention. If they consciously knew this, trust me, they would change. The key here is to consciously know. Not everyone knows this is what they’re doing and much less know how to get out of it. So, please don’t judge, release the need to forgive, and instead just understand that everything is fine and everything will be fine. Release negative emotions Once you see why it’s not healthy for you to live in negative emotions caused by the need to forgive or the need to be forgiven, and once you understand that everything has a purpose in this game of life, release any lingering negative emotions you might still have. There are many ways to do so. I highly encourage emotional healing, but you can begin doing these things for now:
The difference between writing and crying or talking with someone is that writing is a wonderful practice that can be done for a very long time and even has the potential to be turned into an insightful conversation with your Soul. And about feeling your emotions, that's the best practice you can adopt in your life. True forgiveness is when you can say, "Thank you for that experience.” ― Oprah Winfrey What do you think about forgiveness now? Do you still feel a need to forgive or be forgiven? Let me know in the comments below. Did you like this post? Let me send you more like it to your inbox every week. All you need to do is subscribe here. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, feel free to share this post with them. Thank you, Related Posts: Happiness is Where You Live Stress and Negative Emotions Can Get You Sick And They Lived Happily Ever After 6 Steps to Begin Living a Happier Life Image credits: http://www.123rf.com/profile_zazastudio http://www.123rf.com/profile_irochka http://www.123rf.com/profile_lekstuntkite Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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