Once you understand the true significance of the word sin, you’ll realize there’s no way in hell you can’t sin. Although there are horrid actions humans can possibly perform to each other, I don’t want to go on that route at this time. I only want to go into the only route you have control over: your inner-self route. The word “sin” Performing an undesired activity that causes harm to one self and others is the most common knowledge we have related to the word “sin.” Religions have tied the word “sin” to an act that breaks a religious law and therefore breaks the ideal relationship between a person and God. Religions believe that sinners will experience hell and eternal torment when they die; especially when harming others. According to some research I did, the word “sin” comes from the Biblical Greek and Jewish terms that mean the act or state of “missing the mark” -meaning that the possibility to have an ideal relationship with God has been missed due to the act performed. In ancient Indian religions, the word “sin” refers to anything that interferes with the possibility of achieving supreme emancipation or enlightenment or salvation –again, anything that interferes with the possibility of having an ideal relationship with God. You are meant to sin Image yourself throwing darts to a bull’s eye in a target. Anything that doesn’t fall in the center is missing the mark, right? From the point of view of the word “sin” you’re sinning every time you don’t hit the center. Since any act that interferes with the possibility of having an ideal relationship with God is a sin, then no one in this world has hope. Why? Because of the way we were created. Sinful acts against oneself can be pretty much an action, word or thought. See why we’re doomed? There’s no way in hell we can control 100% of our thoughts and words. Actions are more possible to control though, so no excuses there. Sins through actions that cause hurt to others is more related to Karma, which are also acts that prevent you from having an ideal connection with God. Like I said above, this is a theme for another time. But thoughts? Thoughts are like bubbles of energy that you receive based on how you feel -your mood. So if you feel angry because thoughts of anger came to you, then guess what? you cannot connect with God because God doesn’t live in the anger mode, so, you’ve sinned. And if you feel frustrated because thoughts of frustration came to you, then guess what? you cannot connect with God because God doesn’t live in the frustration mode, so, you’ve sinned. The same is true for when you feel jealousy, worry, fear, depression and any other negative feeling emotions. God cannot go there because God is love and joy and peace and harmony. So yeap, you’re sinning every time you don’t feel good emotionally. Not encouraging, right? In fact, it sounds hopeless and helpless, but it’s not. Connect with your Creator I believe we all come to this world to sin. Not to viciously sin, but to sin in the sense of experiencing all negative emotions and feeling disconnected at some point from God. Like I said above, sin is any act that prevents us from having an ideal connection with Source. Having negative thoughts bring you negative feeling experiences which are acts that are keeping you separate from God. So, you’re a sinner. We all are at some point. But don’t worry; you can stop being a sinner. You can stop missing the mark and stay closely connected with your Creator every day. It’s just a matter of keeping track of how you feel all-throughout-the-day and choosing to feel good every-single-time. There will be times when you slip and fall and that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with feeling negative emotions, what makes you miss the mark is staying too long feeling the negativity of those emotions and preventing your connection with your Source. Don’t be hard on yourself when you find yourself missing the mark, instead, do all you can do to connect again. So, as soon as you realize you are not where God is, change the way you think so you can change the way you feel. And remember, the fastest way to connect with Source is do nothing… not even think. Yes, meditation time. While meditating we feel a deep sense of intimacy with God, a love that is inexplicable.” –Paramahansa Yogananda So yes, it’s all about emotions. If you feel bad, you’re missing the mark, you’re sinning. If you’re feeling good, you’re hitting the mark and you’re back in alignment with your Source. In the Joy Scale, I have explained to you that feeling positive emotions from the 100 range, and near it, is to be in alignment with who you are -in alignment with your Creator. Feeling any emotions under the 60 mark is making you miss the mark. So keep an eye on how you feel. You might have noticed it already, but I no longer agree with the meaning of the word sin according to religion. To me the word sin is more about distance than going to hell -more about misalignment, separation, or distancing from the Light that our Creator is. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Where The Heck is Hell? Always Go For Alignment First Improve your life using The Joy Scale Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life Image source: https://www.123rf.com/profile_worac Comments are closed.
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