With the New Year come great hopes for something new or better in our lives; something that will make us feel we live with purpose, joy and satisfaction. Follow these 6 steps to get you to your special something. Once you clean your energy, set your priorities straight, and take the next logical step, it’ll be easier for you to achieve your goals and become a more evolved being by year’s end. 1. Get your energy readyBefore you jump off your chair and try to make something happen in the material world, like quitting your job, moving to another house, or staying away from negative people, you have to work on your inner energy first –clean up your vibe. Cleaning up your vibe means that you feel good and accept everything that’s in your life. It doesn’t mean that you’re happy about them; it just means that you acknowledge they are there. This is the first and most necessary step to solve any problem or to make any change. The easiest ways to get your energy cleaned up is to relax, to let go, to accept, to forgive. There are many ways to get you there, but here are a few of my favorite methods:
2. Clarify what you want Once your energy is clean and you’re in a place of not resisting your ideas and desires, then it’s time to define what you really want. There are many ways to do this but what has worked for me and for my students is by start looking at your areas of life. I like to start with the areas of life so you realize which parts of your life you’re in total control of and which ones you are not. This will help you determine the level of energy you put into them. These are the areas of life: Internal areas of life (areas that you can control)
External areas of life (areas that you can only influence)
I’ve arranged the areas of life in 4 internal and 3 internal areas. Internal areas are those areas of your life you have total control over. Yes, you have total control of your health, what you do for your growth, what you do regarding finances, and what you do for leisure. The external areas of life are those areas you cannot control but can definitely influence: like people, your community, and your environment. I’ve included Spirituality in the growth area of life, even though I strongly belief that Spirituality is part of all the areas of life. In fact, I believe life is a completely Spiritual experience, but to help your mind focused on your spiritual growth I’m going to leave it there. 3. Arrange your priorities Now that you know about the areas of life, the next step is to arrange them in order of importance according to what’s important to you. They should only represent what you truly want. If your physical health is the most important to you, but right now you’re not doing much about it, then your priority number should represent the priority you want it to be. So, arrange the areas of life based on your priorities and based only on the main category for now. For instance, mine are Health, Relationships and Growth, in that order. Next, identify which part of that area is most important to you. For me the entire health area is important, but since I feel comfortable with my mental and emotional areas, I’ll focus more on physical health this time without leaving the other ones behind of course. Now it's your turn, arrange the 7 categories based on your priorities for this year. Once you’re done, narrow each one of them down even further (i.e.: Health: physical, Relationships: family). Yes, you can have more than one priority from the same category. 4. Set your priority goals Once you know what your priority areas are, then it’s time to set goals for each one for them. This will help you to clarify what you really want from and for each one of them. So, set three large goals to accomplish this year for each one of your top 3 areas of life. And set one large goal for each of the other 4 areas of life. Remember these goals are for the entire year. So you should end up with a total of 13 goals for the entire year (if 13 goals for the year seem too much for you, remove those goals that don’t seem to be a priority for this year). Keep in mind that you need goals with concrete numbers you can track and check off of a goal tracking sheet. For instance, don’t just say I want to exercise more. Instead say, I want to exercise once a week, or twice a week, or every day. This way it’s easier for you to track and to know how you’re doing as the year progresses. 5. Schedule it down Nothing happens if it’s not included in your schedule. Focus is all you need to land things, to manifest them, to make them happen. When you add things to your schedule you naturally consider that time to be a time to intently focus to work on a particular task. I’m not saying you’re going to use that time to force things to happen though. When the time to focus comes, it’s because you have everything that’s needed for you to work on it. It should be like your focus is the only thing missing to make it a reality. So schedule what needs to happen this day, or this week, or this month to help you accomplish each one of the goals. You don’t have to have all the steps figured out, but you do need to have the first step for sure. So set one task for each of your nine goals of your top 3 areas of life that you identified in the previous step. 6. Take only the next logical step Taking the next logical step is when your focus and/or action are the only things needed for your goal to materialize. This means that all of the necessary components are at your reach, brought to you by the law of attraction, and it’s up to you to make something happen. When you focus on taking the next logical step, life’s so much easier and you don’t have to feel like you’re fighting against the universe to make your goal happen. So, pay attention to the next logical steps in your life and work on those first; if they’re related to your top 3 priorities even better. Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.” ― Stephen R. Covey Many of the good things we have in our lives are because we focused on them and made them happen. If you want something new and different in your life, something that’s really important to you, then it’s time for you to clean up your energy, set you priorities, and focus your attention to make them happen. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. 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