We don't apply the law of attraction, we take advantage of it. And the best way to take advantage of it, just like taking advantage of any other universal law, is by knowing how it works. Although the Law of Attraction requires a lot of conscious effort and dedication from our part, understanding how it works is simpler than we might think. The Law of AttractionThe Law of attraction is defined by "That which is like unto itself is drawn." This means that something good, will attract more of that goodness. Something that is bad will attract more of that badness. Let me explain it better so it makes more sense.
Does it make sense? This is how the Law of Attraction (LOA) works; it brings us more of the same thing we are feeling. The law doesn’t think whether it's good or bad. It doesn’t judge us for how or what we feel; it just does its job. It just is, just like all universal laws. We recognize the power of the law that attracts bodies to the earth, that holds the circling worlds in their places, but we close our eyes to the mighty Law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, that makes or mars (damages) our lives.” –William W. Atkinson Focus on feeling goodOur feelings usually come from things and thoughts we are paying attention to. Things and thoughts we are focusing on. This means that whatever you are focusing on, you will get more of it. If you are focusing on love, you will get more love. If you are focusing on blame, you will get more things, circumstances, and people to blame. If you are focusing on drama, you will get more chances to live drama. If you are focusing on hope, you will find more things to be hopeful for. If you are focusing on abundance, more opportunities for abundance will come to you. If you are focusing on not believing, more opportunities to not believe will come to you; makes sense? So, what are you focusing on? What are you paying attention to? How are you choosing to think? Here’s where Mental Science comes into play. Mental Science helps you take control of your mind so you are more conscious of what you are focusing on. All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” -Buddha Steps to take advantage of the Law of AttractionThese steps to take advantage of the LOA have been defined and given by Abraham Hicks. Abraham has given us 6 steps, which he calls the steps of the Creative Process, but we will learn about the basic 3 steps today. Step 1 – ASK “Life will cause you to ask for more, continuously” –Abraham Hicks Asking here is not so much about asking by speaking as about asking by feeling it. This usually happens when you are going through an experience that makes you realize you don’t want it, that you don’t want part of it, or that you don’t want it that way. We are always doing this. We’re asking all day every day; it is part of life. It is the part of us wanting to continually improve our lives and wanting to have better experiences. This is the easy part, it happens almost unconsciously. We cannot help it but ask for better things, better experiences, and better interactions with people. Asking is also done when you ask a strong question you want an answer to. A question that you know its answer will help you improve your life. Step 2 – IT IS GIVEN You don’t do anything in this step. This is where God, the Universe, Source, The Father, whatever you want to call your Creator, is giving you what you so strongly asked for. Your Creator doesn’t judge; He/She/It gives you everything you want and need to keep playing this game of life. In that moment when you ask, whether you consciously asked for it or not, it is immediately given to you. Your request has been completed. Your wish has been granted. Your prayer has been answered. You asked and it has been given to you. Always. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 (NKJV) Step 3 – RECEIVE This is the most important step in the Creative Process. Here is where you skillfully wait and have faith that what you have asked for is already coming your way, and you are doing all you can possibly can to align to it –to meet it where it is. Meeting what you have been given where it is simply means that everything that you desire in life is found in a very-good feeling place; and that the only way to get to it is by feeling good. Not a bad price to pay to receive all that you desire, isn’t it? All you have to do is to feel good. Now, I’m not saying that you will receive everything you have ever asked for, or will ask for, at once. You would not want nor like that either. It would be like getting all the birthday presents you will ever get in your life in only one birthday party. Some presents you will need and like, but you will not need, like or want all of them at the same time for sure. It is better to enjoy one or a few presents at the time, don't you think? Presents you can appreciate at the moment based on your current situation, needs and desires. Besides, how fun would it be to have birthday parties ever again if you are not receiving any presents because you already got them all? Isn't it better to enjoy every thing we receive, every moment, at every stage in life? You should feel more relaxed just by understanding this concept; and being relaxed is good. I know sometimes feeling good is easier said than done, but I know by experience that it is possible. And because I've done it, I can help you. Somehow, someway you have to do whatever it takes to be a vibrational match to what you have asked for. But here’s the tricky part, you got to believe it before you see it.” –Abraham Hicks Next week I will be giving you some ideas that will help you feel good so you can get to the place where you can continually receive everything you desire. Now that you know how the Law of Attraction works, what are you going to focus on? What changes do you think you need to make? Or what things do you think you need to keep doing? Let me know in the comments below. Did you like this post? Subscribe to begin receiving them in your inbox every week. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, please share this post with your family and friends. Thank you, Related Posts: Understanding the Laws of the Universe The Secret About Mental Science Mastering Positive Brainstorming How Much Money Do You Need To Be Happy? Image credit: http://www.123rf.com/profile_illustrator
8/17/2016 05:44:54 am
Lovely post Claudia, I especially love that I have to 'believe it before I see it', in a world where we are so focused on immediate results, it is important to know that what we create now might take some time to manifest.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/17/2016 11:36:54 pm
It has to be that way, don't you agree? That way we have a chance to clarify what we really want before it manifests. Thank you for your comment Rachel! :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/17/2016 11:37:28 pm
Yes they are! <3
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/20/2016 09:21:17 pm
A simply change in focus can do that and more! Awesome Brittany!! Thank you for sharing <3
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/22/2016 06:59:39 pm
I totally understand and agree with you Candy! ;)
8/22/2016 04:57:12 pm
I love everything about this post. While it is hard to sometimes focus on the good it really is what is best for you.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/22/2016 07:03:05 pm
Yes, it is. In the following post I will be showing you ideas you can follow to make it easier for you to focus on feeling good. Make sure you came back and visit. BTW... thank you for letting me know you love this post ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/22/2016 07:06:32 pm
You're so welcome Wilma! :)
This is awesome! I am really finding this to be true in my life lately, even though I never thought this was necessarily true. Its crazy how when you really focus on something, you start to get results!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/22/2016 07:13:35 pm
Something even crazier is that we're recently finding out about it when it has been in place since the creation of the universes. But the good thing is that now we know.
8/22/2016 08:59:57 pm
I love this information and these ideas! Thanks for the explanations and for sharing!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/23/2016 11:03:16 pm
I love it that you love them Patricia! ;)
8/22/2016 09:11:57 pm
i love this post and everything about the LOA. i really apprecaite reading the steps. great explanations here!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/23/2016 11:04:54 pm
I'm glad it makes sense Lorrin. Thank you for letting me know :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/23/2016 11:06:32 pm
Awesome Natasa! :)
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