You may be all grown up but inside you there’s a child still hurting. As long as those emotional hurts are not healed, that child will be there hurting and acting up until the day you die. Emotional hurts are those strong negative feeling emotions you feel when you remember past experiences. Reach out to heal those emotional wounds so you begin to live a life of hope, contentment and enthusiasm. Your first emotional hurts The first emotional hurts you felt came from your experience with your parents. Your parents were your first love because they were the ones that first loved and nurtured you. Anything that they said or did, or didn’t say or didn’t do, that didn’t match your expectations as a child being loved, nurtured and taken care of, caused you emotional hurt. After first loving your parents, you began expanding your attention toward others around you such as siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Your experiences with these relatives also caused you emotional hurts, although in a lower intensity but still emotional hurts. The circle then extended even more as you continued to grow to include acquaintances, people you see in school or work, to people you only see once in your life. Although most of your emotional hurts came from your experience with those close to you there were times when people you never saw before triggered something in you. When others trigger your hurts The reason why comments from people you’ve never seen before cause you to feel emotional pain it’s because they’ve activated something in you. It’s as if you have a wound in your left arm and every time someone bumps into it, doesn’t matter who that person is, it’ll hurt. What’s happening here is that they’re touching an existing emotional wound and automatically you believe their attack is personal when it’s not. It was an emotional hurt already in the energy field of your body and their comment just triggered it. The worst part when an emotional wound has been aggravated by anyone, is that triggering old emotional hurts cause new ones to be created if you don’t pay attention to what’s happening. Types of emotional hurts Although we have the capability to perceive so many different negative emotions, the types of emotional hurts are actually not that many. The most common types of hurts we experience, especially as a child, are:
Healing your inner child There are many methods to help you heal the emotional hurts you’ve been carrying since childhood. Some of them you can do on your own, but it’s better to hire certified practitioners to help you. Just make sure you do your research first.
An unbalanced adult is an unattended child.” –Mike Brown Once you release emotional hurts from childhood you’ll begin to feel hope, contentment and enthusiasm again. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: The Art of Letting Go Learn to Heal Yourself Bring Down The Walls Around Your Heart Do You Carry Your Emotional Baggage Everywhere? Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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