There are two roads in life: one where life feels like a joyful ride and another one where life feels very painful. Which road are you on? Are you on the painful road? If so, keep reading so you can learn how to switch lanes. As long as we travel through the road of life we are growing. We grow in many areas of our lives, but the main and most inevitable growth is about expansion, about evolution, about being more than what we were. Because of our innate free will, we can choose how we want to grow. Yes, we can choose to either grow with joy in our life, or we can choose to grow with pain in our life. What do you choose? The road you take on depends only on you. Two roads to grow I’m going to make this easier for you. Imagine two roads. Both roads lead to the same destination: Your expansion (you being better than you were). Now, one road is like the highway: paved, smooth, with very few curves and fairly easy and enjoyable to travel by car. Now imagine the second road, which also takes you to the same place the highway road takes you, but this second road is very rough, full of holes, with lots of pointy rocks, and to top it all off no cars go through there. This second road starts parallel to the highway road but at times you see it gets lost in the curves, deviations and bridges. Since no cars can go through this road, you have to walk, yes, and sometimes even bare footed. No so much fun is it? Well, life can be something like this too. If you feel you’re walking on the dirt road, you’re growing with pain. If you feel you’re walking on the dirt road bare footed, you’re definitely growing with pain. But if you feel that life is simple, you enjoy it, you got the hang of it and are usually happy with the life you’re living, then you’re growing with joy. Soon you won’t be able to change roads Some people consciously or unconsciously decide they had enough and change roads. For some people it’s easy for some others it’s not; especially if they’ve travel on the dirt road most of their lives. People traveling on the dirt road are usually not pleasant to be around, things usually take too long to turn out good for them, and they usually feel and project negative emotions such as depression, guilt, anger, resentment, etc. most of the time. If someone you know is walking on the dirt road, there’s not much you can do for them. You need to be aware of this otherwise you’ll be allowing them to pull you to their painful road. Try to remember this when you see your loved ones on that road. The only thing I recommend you to do is to inform them of the two roads, and be understanding, kind, and compassionate towards them. Although it’s too late to change roads for some of them, growth is still happening. No pain is ever wasted. How to grow with joy The only person you can control which road she/he walks on is You. If you believe you can change roads you’ll need to do the work. Although the work is simple and totally possible, it’s not always necessarily easy. Begin with these steps:
If a soul prefers painful growth, they are still moving forward. Remember this if someone close to you clings to their painful ways.” –Carol Heideman The time you spend changing roads will be a bit turbulent (going back and forth between the two roads), but once you get to the paved and smooth road, your life will begin to feel better. So fasten your seat belt, put a smile on your face, and go ahead and grow with joy. What road are you traveling on? On the road where you grow with joy or on the road where you grow with pain? Let me know in the comments below. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox every week. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Posts: Improve Your Life By Listening to Your IGS Learn to Heal Yourself Both Suffering and Joy Begin In the Mind Always Go For Alignment First Image credit:
Claudia LeBaron Islas
10/19/2017 03:13:29 pm
The main, and easy, thing to do is to focus on feeling good this moment. In a few minutes the same, focus on feeling good this moment. Later today, the same, focus on feeling good this moment. Makes sense? Your desicion to feel good is always in the present. Focus on that and you'll feel happier cruising on the easier road, you'll see. Take care Brittany ;) Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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