Many people keep asking what they came to this world for. We all have a need to feel fulfilled and on purpose; we want to feel our lives are not by accident and that there is a bigger plan than what we are living and seeing now. But when and where do you begin living your life’s purpose? You begin today right where you are. Types of PerfectionBefore I go any further I want to begin with making sure you understand the two types of perfection that exist, according to the Kabbalah, and which perfection type we should strive for when looking to fulfill our lives. I don’t want you to get too caught up in trying to have the perfect way to fulfill your intention in this life, that is because nothing and no one is perfect.
So, when you think that you want to have the perfect position, the perfect business, the perfect life, remember that the only true and real perfection is the one that changes. Wanting to be perfect without change is like trying to become the very opposite of our nature; it is a recipe for disaster and dissatisfaction. Begin todayYou can begin living your life’s purpose today. Begin by doing all you can do right there where you are. Begin looking for ideas; begin by being more than what you are right now. No one advances in life unless they are more than they currently are, unless they master their position, their occupation. Are you doing more than required in your position, business, school, home? You’ve heard that you need to dress, act, do and behave according to the higher position you want, right? Well, the same applies for when you are planning for your life’s purpose. Unless you do your current job better than it should be done, you won’t be ready for the next step. Do you like what you do now?
Don’t like what you do?
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be” –Lao Tzu Planning aheadI am not suggesting that you quit your job or close your business or switch careers or move to another town right now. You can certainly do any or all of these but only when you feel certain and secure of the step you are taking. I don’t want you to leave your current financial security to go in pursue of your purpose. Doing this very thing can actually bring you further away from what you are looking for since you will be focusing again on how you’re going to pay your life expenses. You will be trying to stabilize your quality of life and will not be able to focus on your needs to grow and transform. I want you to be prepared. Set up a plan and make sure it is something you really want to do. Do you need to do some research? Take same training? Learn more about a new topic? Do so and then take the leap. Are you ready to make a change now? Go ahead, just make sure your footing is firm before taking the next step. Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor” –Rumi Don’t get desperate to complete your goals, to fulfill your life’s intention, to live all your life now. I was like this soon after I accepted my intention for this life until I remembered that there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. Besides where’s the fun in having everything completed now? Have fun in the process. Enjoy every step. Take a look at yourself and see how you are changing, evolving, growing. Seeing yourself grow is a feeling like nothing else in this life, a feeling you don’t want to miss for sure, trust me. How are you living your life’s purpose today? Let me know in the comments below. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox every week. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Posts: Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose 9 Ways to Help You Discover Your Life’s Purpose Begin Living Your Life's Purpose Today What is the Purpose of Life? 7/12/2016 08:09:37 pm
I love this: "Dynamic Perfection." I love what it means and I love this article. It is totally in alignment with my content! Thank you for sharing your light with the world.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/12/2016 08:45:35 pm
I'm glad you loved it Dionna! Through this definition we can see that all the changes we've lived are perfect just because they were changes. Lovely isn't it? Take care ;) 7/12/2016 11:21:54 pm
Thank you for sharing this with us. There are some good tips in here :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/12/2016 11:38:50 pm
You're so welcome Rhonda!. I'm glad you found it useful :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/13/2016 09:59:45 am
That's right Marianne. No more waiting, no more putting it off. The sooner you begin living your live's purpose, the sooner you will experience abundance and fulfillment.
7/13/2016 03:34:59 am
A beautiful reminder to enjoy the process. My life's purpose is to teach women to live gloriously healthy lives and I can fall into the trap of thinking I am not the perfect example of that. Your post really helps me to see that we are all in the process of change and as long as I keep walking forward I am living my life's purpose.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/13/2016 10:02:44 am
I'm so glad you were able to see that in this post Rachel. Thank you for letting me know :) 7/13/2016 04:01:50 am
This is a manual for living right here: "Be more you...
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 02:13:21 pm
Looks like it doesn't it? Thank you for the idea Reba ;) 7/13/2016 05:01:18 am
Wow, Claudia - the concept of Dynamic Perfection hit me right in the gut. The very idea that we are on a refining journey, and that each step in that journey through change is divinely inspired - rather than a "mistake" - is so powerful. I love the difference between this and striving for perfection: the gentle evolving of Self into exactly what we came here to be.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 02:16:08 pm
Yes, we are on a refining journey and doesn't need to be perfect... we just need to keep living the journey. Thank you Kat ;)
I especially liked this part. "Don’t get desperate to complete your goals, to fulfill your life’s intention, to live all your life now.". On occassion I struggle with how much of my life I wasted but usually sense kicks in and reminds me that I was learning some hard lessons during what I feel was wasted time and hopefully I will be able to use that to help others
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 02:23:06 pm
Nothing is ever wasted, Sabra. How would you be able to teach others if you don't get the lesson? When the time is right you will begin helping others. Best wishes for you <3
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 02:25:28 pm
I understand exactly what you're saying Alea. I'm also a perfectionist and knowing about dynamic perfection has been a life saver for me. Thank you ;) 7/13/2016 11:45:05 am
I really enjoyed reading this article - this is very much in line with what I am trying to do right now. I am purposely enjoying the small things in life and pursuing interests that make me happy - thanks for sharing
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 02:29:24 pm
You're welcome Sam. You are on the right path... keep doing what you're doing. Take care ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 02:42:47 pm
Yes, it is very important to know where we are going and to plan our next steps. How else can we know we have reached our destination if we don't know where we are going, right?. Thank you Alison :) 7/13/2016 03:59:57 pm
Great article! As a cake decorator I struggle with being a perfectionist! Sad part is that most people don't even see the imperfections that I see lol. I enjoyed reading this!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 02:50:10 pm
I'm so glad you enjoyed it and found it helpful Lainey ;) 7/13/2016 06:26:07 pm
So delighted to read this after just coming back from a networking event where I got the message to be more of me . Thanks xxoo
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 02:55:26 pm
Got to love serendipity/LOA! Thank you Suzie ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 03:05:28 pm
Yes! I believe we all know this at some level but for some reason most people don't know where to begin. I hope my writing helps them see possible options at least.. 7/14/2016 12:19:34 am
In this day and age its hard not to feel like you're not doing enough or that you're failing, or that compared to the next person you're doing nothing. I have waves of these feelings, and its hard to stop feeling like that. You've listed some great reminders, I really need to come back often to re-read them!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 03:10:26 pm
One day we, as a human race, are going to realize that comparing ourselves to others is never a fair game. Thank you Nazrin. 7/14/2016 06:24:45 am
It's definitely not as easy as leaving your job or moving away,sometimes it takes careful consideration and not just about you. It can affect other people so it isn't that easy. But I agree on what to focus on, but often it is more than your opinion that needs to be considered.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 03:16:03 pm
You are right. There's usually another person's opinion involved in our decision process. But if that person is supportive and really cares for our well being, we should be able to move forward with what brings joy to our soul. Don't try to make big changes at first, small steps are ok... just make sure you're always walking. Best wishes ;)
Marissa DiPietro
7/14/2016 07:37:03 am
I love these tips! Amazing how such simple changes can result in living a much more full life!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/14/2016 03:18:47 pm
I agree. There's no need for fancy, radical or sudden jumps. Simple steps only. Thank you Marissa :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/21/2016 05:03:40 pm
Thank you Jessica :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/21/2016 05:04:27 pm
... and I'm glad you stopped by Chloe :)
7/21/2016 12:21:04 pm
Very nice post. Great tips on how to start living your life and also how to make improvements too!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
7/21/2016 05:05:11 pm
I'm glad you liked it Obi ;) Comments are closed.
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