Have you ever considered going back to your younger self to warn her about what’s coming to her? Or to advise her as she’s about to make a life-changing decision? Before I started my spiritual journey, I used to think back to what my life had been. Sometimes I thought that I should have done this, or I shouldn’t have done that. As if regret was going to fix anything. The 7 words One day I did an exercise in which I visualized me getting in front of my 9 year-old self. I imaged us sitting on a sidewalk next to an ice-cream stand, eating our ice cream cone. I wanted to bring up the conversation about the life she was going to live but I didn’t know where to start. As I was in that visualization, I imagined how I would go through each of the life turning points and emotional painful events and tell her what to do and not to do. While I imagined that, we each continued to eat our ice creams in silence. As I imagined so many events, I felt overwhelmed. How can I tell a 9 year-old child everything that’s coming without traumatizing her? I continued imagining this event and that event. And thinking about saying don’t go here, don’t say that, don’t buy this, don’t trust that. Then a sudden sense of peace wrapped my mind and body, as if an angel was hugging me to calm down my racing thoughts. I suddenly had the realization that I only needed to tell her 7 words: “Remember to always follow your inner guidance.” Somehow, I knew within me that if she did that, she would be good. I told her the 7 words, she smiled at me as if saying, “I know that,” and we continued eating our ice cream on that side walk as we both had the inner sense that all will be well. What would you tell your younger self? I recommend you to do the visualization exercise in which you meet your, I don’t know, 7, 8, 9 10, or whatever age you remember you felt hurt or when you made a decision and your life took on another direction. Go back to that younger self and give her the advice you think she needs for the life she will live—but only use 7 words or less. Keeping a maximum number of words to tell her, will prevent you from go into any specifics. It will also be less overwhelm for both of you, but it will still allow you give her guidance so she’s prepared for all she will go through. Ponder on the words that you came up for your younger self then look back at you own life. You will probably realize that’s exactly what you did all of your life. This will help you find some inner peace now. And, who knows, possibly some emotional release and healing might occur. Caring for your inner child has a powerful and surprisingly quick result: Do it and the child heals." —Martha Beck We all have our own regrets. If we want to heal from them, we need to be compassionate for our younger selves. They did the best they could with what they knew at the moment. Now, it’s up to you to make sure everything is better from now on. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, feel free to share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Happiness is Where You Live This IS Heaven Grow With Joy or Grow With Pain Improve Your Life By Listening to Your IGS Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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