2020 is the year of perfect vision. Use what’s left of it to "look" forward and to "look" back to reflect and to plan your life for the “new normal.” As our planet is going through a massive rebooting right now, it’s the perfect time for you to reboot as well. Rebooting to let go of the past but keeping the learnings and start fresh again—this time with a clear understanding of what’s really important to you. 2020 is a decisive year As you’ve noticed, 2020 is the year we intently “look” and reflect at what really matters to us while we prepare for a “new” normal. According to astrology, most planets are aligning to make this rebooting easier. As you get ready to go back out into the world, keep in mind that you have the choice to focus on living a better life this time. To do this you need to decide if you want to go back to what your life was before COVID-19 or not. If it didn't serve you to feel free, now is the time to make changes. One of our innate desires as humanity is to grow and evolve. We always want to be better than we were. This enforced time out we're going through is perfect to reflect on what we have done and what we want to do. Looking at the past: keep the learnings, let go of the rest. Be kind to yourself as you start looking at the past. There’s no need to fall into shame, guilt, and regret. The goal is that you learn what worked and what didn’t work and let go of the rest. Pay attention to how you’ve been living, where your time was spent, what you’ve focused your attention to, what you’ve done. You can ask yourself: What worked back then? What did I like about that job? What did I enjoy? At what point during that job I was feeling satisfied? Was I in that job because of the money, medical benefits, or retirement pension? Or what worked in that relationship? What didn’t? At what point did I enjoy the relationship the most? Or, what worked from my past eating habits? What didn’t? What foods made me feel good and which ones not so much? Or, how have I been feeling? What things bring smiles to my face? See it all as a review and a way to get to know you better. If you find yourself asking “why did I do that?” Turn it instead into: “Had that not happened, I would not have learned this”, or “I would have not have made this decision”, or “I would have not grown this much”, or “I would not be getting ready to live a happier life.” Once you see the learning, let go of the rest. Looking at the future: fresh start in a “new normal”After this shake off of reality we’re having, with the COVID pandemic, things will never be the same again, so we need to plan a “new normal”. The good side of this new normal is that you can now live your life with a well defined direction of purpose and intention. As you start focusing on a new normal, you begin to realize what‘s really important, essential, and valuable to you. Don't get a job just because of the money or the benefits. Focus on what you truly desire and makes you feel good, and the money will come. It's the law. There is no need to keep up with society any more. There is no need to enter the rat race. There is no need to do things you don’t want to do. The valuable and essentials things in your life, as with the things you want to do, are more peaceful, enjoyable, and satisfying. Stop repeating what never worked in the first place. Stand back and ask for a new solution.” —Deepak Chopra As you focus on how your new normal will be, focus on being the best version you can be feeling peace and harmony. If you do this, your life will already be improved and it will only get better and happier from there. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, feel free to share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Find Calm When Pandemic Strikes Humanity’s Dark Night of the Soul The Secret to Financial Abundance How Much Money Do You Need To Be Happy? Comments are closed.
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