Wouldn’t be nice to have your inner foundation so solid and strong that no matter what winds came your way you would not be shaken?
This is possible when you know who you are, when you recognize your own truths and when you learn how to strengthen your inner center.
Last week I showed you how to identify who you really are. This week I want to show you how to recognize your own truths and how to reinforce and strengthen your inner center, so you can have a strong and solid foundation within yourself.
Recognize your own truths
Your own truths are those thoughts that strongly resonate with your Soul.
Have you ever had a thought that you strongly and immediately believe it’s true without anyone telling you whether it is true or not? Those are the thoughts that are truth to you. But your truth in a specific subject doesn't mean it is the only and profound universal truth. Your truth is based on your soul's guidance which is different from everyone else’s in this world. If what you are reading right now resonates within you, it could mean that my truth, at least this one in particular, is not too far off from yours. But this is only one truth. Each one of us is composed of so many individual truths that it's impossible to match all your truths with anyone else's truths in this world, or even in this universe. This is why we need to accept each other without judgement. This is why we need to be understanding of everybody else's journey. Each one of us is following our own inner truth so we can get to our own inner peace. You inner center
Your inner center is that “you” that only you are. It is composed of your personality traits, but not just identified and recognized, but accepted and honored and loved by you.
Be YOU: This means that you are going to accept who you are and forget about wanting to be like someone else you want to be or someone else you’ve been told to be like. Make sure you do whatever you want with your life just because you want to do it and not because you are told. Honor your traits: You already have a list of traits you resonate with. Let's assume you selected that you are generous. If you know you are generous and people around you tell you to stop giving your money, time and resources away to people who don’t appreciate it... would you do stop? Being generous is one of your traits and trying to stop who you really are will only make you feel miserable. Each one of us has many traits and it is only up to each one of us to accept them, to honor them and to love them. Some traits are more positive than others, some are stronger than others, but we decide which ones we want to pay attention to and make them grow -the ones that make you feel good of course. Inner peace is when what you say and do agree with what you feel and think. -Claudia LeBaron Strengthen your inner center
Paying attention to your inner self is how you strengthen your inner foundation, and you can do that by doing these 3 things:
Connecting with your inner self is how you become at peace with what you see around you.
You can now see the big picture. You now understand that everybody is working on following their soul guidance and finding their truths, just like you are. Even though you have been doing it all your life, now give yourself permission to do it more intentionally, consciously and deliberately. Now tell me... have you recognized your own truths yet? 4/14/2016 11:02:48 am
Your tips here are amazing and so perfect!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
4/14/2016 10:09:46 pm
That is exactly the key for a strong center... inner work! Thank you for your comment Zeenat ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
4/18/2016 09:32:00 pm
That's exactly right, Lauren! Thank you for your comment ;)
linda spiker
6/17/2016 10:29:46 am
Great tips. And so important to know who you are and stand firm in your truth!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
6/17/2016 12:44:49 pm
Yes! it's very important to know who you are. That way when you are hearing and seeing so many bad news and images, you will not be shaken because you will know that all is well. Thank you Linda ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
6/17/2016 05:50:35 pm
Yes! First and foremost:) Comments are closed.
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