We all experience, at some point or another, hard times in life in which we need Divine help. Those are the times in which we want and need God close to us more than ever. But where exactly is He? Even though we can’t see God in the way we want and expect to see Her, we feel and know He is near us. But how close and in what direction is She? Join me in an imaginative journey, written as a conversation, where we will discover where God is. Olga has been going through a difficult situation in her life and doesn’t feel God is near her much less feels He is doing something to help her. Her friend Claire is trying to tell her that God is everywhere and is always by her side loving her. At this point they’ve been talking for a while, seated in the outside area of the coffee shop near their work place, and Olga doesn’t feel God is even aware of what is happening in her life. She continues defending and proving her point until she asks the question. O: Okay then. Tell me, where exactly is God? C: I’m not going to tell you O: Oh no? C: No. I’m going to show you O: Oh, ok C: Ready? O: Yes C: Close your eyes and focus your imagination on a spot near some mountains. Doesn’t matter what mountains or where they are. Move those mountains further back and put some snow on them. Make them look fun for people to come and ski and play there. Now, look at the other side across from the mountains. Place some pine trees in there. Not that many, just enough to make it look like the woods. O: Okay. But, what are you trying to do? C: Just stay with me. Close your eyes again. You now have two directions done; let’s say north and south. Now, on the west side, place a large horizon with short trees in it so you can see the beautiful sunsets every day. And on the other side, the east side, place whatever you want. Do you want the ocean? A canyon? A desert? A flat? Caves? Place anything in there. Just make it whatever you want it to be. O: Done C: What did you choose? O: The Ocean C: Beautiful. Okay, now that you have created your little world, are you happy with it? Do you think it’s good? O: Yes. C: In between all that you created there is a space where you can place more plants and trees in. Do you want it to be all green with a lot of beautiful flowers or do you prefer a little more desert looking? O: A place with a lot of trees and flowers. C: Okay. Place them everywhere and tell me when you’re done. O: I’m done. C: Do you like it? Are you happy with it? Do you think it’s good? O: Yes. I love it! C: Good. Now make a space in between everything you created. In between the mountain, the woods, the horizon and the ocean and build a town in there. Place some buildings, houses, parks, food stores, police station, a firefighter’s station, a library. Place in there whatever building you want. Let me know when you are done. O: Can I add a shopping mall? C: Of course! It’s your world. You can do with it whatever you want. O: I’m done. C: Good. Do you like your town? Are you happy with it? Do you think it’s good? O: Oh, yes I like it! But, where are you taking me? This is getting too long and I still don’t see where God is. C: We’re almost done. Bear with me a few more minutes. You’ll see my point, don’t worry. Now, let’s bring more life to your world. Add people, animals and insects in there. O: Insects? I don’t want insects in there. C: Don’t put insects there then. It’s your world after all and you do with it whatever you want. Now, add some movement to your town. Add bicycles, cars and anything you think people need to move around in your world besides walking. Let me know when you’re done. O: Can I add some hoover boards and hot air balloons? C: You can add whatever you want O: Okay, I’m done. C: From the smile in your face I’d say you like it and you’re happy with it O: Yes, I’m very pleased with it. It’s my little world after all. C: Yes, it is. Now, make everyone move around and go about their lives and do whatever they want. You're not going to intervene nor care about what they do. All you want is for them to be happy and experience the world and life you created for them. Do you like what you see? O: Yes C: Do you enjoy your creation? O: Definitely C: Now. People in your town are living and learning and experiencing life on this world of yours. Everything and everyone is doing good until one day one of them asks, “Where is God”? Since you created this small world, you can see and hear everything going on in there. You can also be anything you want to be and take whatever shape and form you wish. So you decide to take their human form and go to the person that wants to know where God is and you tell her “I’m God and I’m here. How can I help you?” Then she looks at you from top to bottom inspecting you with her hand in her hip and says, “Wait, what!? Did you just say you are God??” She looks at you and with a sarcastic tone she says “You’re really something my friend.” Then she starts to walk away and you see her astonished as she keeps walking and doesn’t even bother to take a second look at you. That “incident” passed. You decided that taking a human form is never going to work again. So you stay away from that idea. After a few days you hear that the same person is asking again “Where is God?” Then she starts talking to other people and more and more people are now asking the same question “Yeah!, where is God?” Then you, seeing and hearing everything, start feeling the pressure and would love to answer it but you know that as a human it would not work. So you think maybe as an animal. You try it and nothing. Then maybe as a plant. You try it and nothing. By now, you realize, there is no way they can believe you if you take any physical shape. So you think maybe going as a ghost will work. But nothing still; on the contrary they all get freaked out and begin inventing scary stories. Now, you don’t see any other way to get to them but through their hearts and their minds. But the only way they can hear you is if they are relaxed and in silence, meaning they somehow calm the chatter in their minds. Otherwise with all that noise they can hardly hear themselves much less hear you. Some are able to relax and hear you, and some don’t. Some believe what they hear, some don’t. You still feel unconditional love towards them all. Love, compassion and free will are your best gifts to them. You don’t judge and you don’t worry for their decisions. You just answer their questions and are constantly sending them information, but only those that have ears to hear will hear you. O: I kind of get your point. But now what? C: Olga, you created all of that in your imagination. They are your thoughts. It is your world. No one can come and change it, modify it or destroy it. It’s all yours. It is all you. Now, take a look at all that you created and tell me… where exactly are you in all of that? O: Hmmm… I don’t know. I can’t possible say I’m in a particular place. I mean I created everything. I can see and hear everything. I can be anywhere and everywhere at any time. I mean, this is my creation in my mind. This is me. This is ALL me! C: Ok then. Open your eyes. See all around you here and now. See your cup of coffee, see the people here in the coffee shop, see the streets, the buildings, the plants, the sky, the people out there and tell me, Where is God? Olga watches all around her, closes her eyes for a moment and then excitedly sighs and says: O: Oh! I get it! C: Good. The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.” - Anne Frank Have you ever asked yourself “Where is God?” Did you find Him? Did you hear Her communicate with you? Please let me know in the comments below. Did you like this post? Let me send you more like it to your inbox every week. All you need to do is subscribe here. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, feel free to share this post with them. Thank you, Related Posts: Where Do We Come From? What Does It Mean To Be Spiritual? This IS Heaven 9 Ways To Calm Your Mind Image credit: http://www.123rf.com/profile_kriangkrai 9/28/2016 03:56:40 am
I read the title and I thought, well for me God is everywhere, in me, around me and there whenever I ask. Thank you for the beautiful conversation xx
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/28/2016 06:31:27 pm
Yes, God is everywhere. You're welcome Suzie :) 9/28/2016 04:48:18 am
It is a part of the human and spiritual journey to question, where is God? I know I have. My questions brought me closer in a relationship to the Divine because I chose to stay connected even in my anger and confusion. I recently went on a retreat spending a week in nature and felt great for it, I love that quote by Anne Frank. Thanks Claudia for your blog!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/28/2016 06:34:32 pm
That must have been a life changing experience, Lisa. Good for you! :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/28/2016 06:35:37 pm
I'm glad you like it, Lea! Thank you for letting me know :D 9/28/2016 08:05:37 am
To find God we need look no further than within our own hearts. Great post.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/28/2016 06:36:32 pm
Totally agree. Thank you Barb ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/29/2016 09:09:48 pm
Thank you for stopping by and commenting Peggy ;) 9/30/2016 07:04:00 am
What a great illustration of the power of the infinite and reminding ourselves that the divine is within everything including ourselves! Thank you Claudia!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/30/2016 08:21:04 pm
I'm glad you liked it Kelley. Thank you! :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
9/30/2016 08:22:41 pm
Yes! I'm glad you enjoyed it Ruthie ;) Comments are closed.
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