This week I want to introduce you to a linear emotional scale I created. I call it “The Joy Scale.” This scale is one of the main ideas from my core message. I use it every time I realize something is bothering me and want to feel better. Especially when things don’t go as expected. I created The Joy Scale with ideas from David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness table, from Esther Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale, and from the universal emotions identified by Paul Ekman. But the ultimate calibration came from remembering my own experience when I made the move from the left most emotion of the scale all the way to the right end of it. You’re going to find it very useful. What is The Joy Scale?The Joy Scale is a linear representation of emotions calibrated from zero to 100. Zero being the most negative emotions I’ve ever felt, to 100 which represents some of the most positive emotions I’ve ever felt. Every mark in the line has a main representative emotion in it and they are listed in the table below. I will give you the extended version of The Joy Scale in a future article. The extended version contains at least three more emotions in each marker. We will use it when we do the exercise in the third article about The Joy Scale. For now, I just want you to get to know and understand the basic scale. Purpose of The Joy ScaleThe purpose of The Joy Scale is to understand what’s going on in your internal emotional state and become conscious about it. By being aware of what is happening with your internal emotions, you are better able to make wiser decisions in your life. Look at this scale as a visual representation of a guidance system that will help you see how you move from one emotional state to another one. In the next article, I will show you how to do that with intention. The ultimate goal is for you to feel empowered, happy, joyful and free. Understanding The Joy ScaleFirst, I want to clarify that emotions are not good or bad. What makes them positive or negative is the way we feel them in our bodies. I wrote about that in this article. The Joy Scale has a calibration from the numbers zero to 100. The most negative emotion is fear and it is located on the far left side of the scale. On the opposite end are the positive emotions, and the most positive emotion is joy. All the emotions of the scale are listed in the table below. The scale shows a steady and continuous emotional state improvement from zero to 100. Meaning that being on the 30 marker is better than being on the 10 marker. And being on the 70 marker is better than being on the 30 marker, and so on. Imagine it as the old school grading system where anything above 60 was a passing grade. Likewise, on this scale anything above 60 is good and empowering; and yes, anything below 60 is not so much. Being in an emotional state of less than 60 is not that terrible. Sometimes those emotions are very useful for your spiritual and personal growth. The key here is to not stay too long in there. That's why I created this scale, to show you how you can go back to the empowering area any time you want. Calibration of The Joy ScaleDon’t get too overwhelmed or lose hope by looking at this table. The goal is not necessarily to live always on the 100, but to learn how to take care of your emotional self and make empowering decisions so you can feel better.
You do that by understanding your emotions, recognizing when you are moving forward or backwards, and by consciously making decisions that will improve your life. By doing this you’ll see how attainable it is to get to the empowering area and reach joy. Next week I’ll show you the extended version of The Joy Scale, still with the same range from zero to 100 but with many more emotions. I will also show you how to use it and how you can benefit from it. So, for now, get familiar with the emotions listed above because more are coming. Do you have any questions for me about The Joy Scale? Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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