Having a business, or wanting to start one, means that you have a product, service or idea that will impact and benefit others. But, is this the only way you can impact your customers? I think not. I still remember one day, a few years ago, I was sitting in front of my computer and found an article that talked about feeling happier by loving yourself first. I remember asking “Love yourself? What does that even mean?” If you're in that situation now, I’m so glad you’re here. What does “Loving Yourself” mean?Let me clarify this first. Loving yourself does not mean being intentionally selfish, insensitive, and hurtful to others. In fact if you consciously know you are doing just that, you will not feel good. And if you are doing something that doesn’t make you feel good, then you’re not loving yourself. Loving yourself means that you always pay attention to how you feel inside and, in a kind manner, do all that you need to do to feel good. Loving yourself means that you do whatever you need to do to find your own internal sense of stability You can make changes to your interior or to your exterior. Although, most of the times the only change needed is in your interior. You will notice that by taking care of your interior, most of the times your exterior will begin to take care of on its own; you’ll see. Taking care of your interior means that you pay attention to what’s going on inside your body and inside your mind. Why to Love Yourself? The main reasons I wanted to begin loving myself back then, was to be able to feel peace, love, joy, contentment, and satisfaction. Today, I believe that the main reason as to why to love yourself it’s because you’re important, you’re worthy, you matter, and you deserve a better life. If you cannot find a reason to begin right now, you can use mine while you find your own. Loving Yourself has nothing to do with others Realize that in order to love yourself, you don’t require anybody else besides yourself. You only need you. No one else is needed here. Don’t do it to gain respect, love or appreciation by others, and try not to depend too much on experiences, events and people to feel good. Yes, they will affect you of course, and sometimes negatively, but you, and only you, decide how much. Remember, you’re not doing this for others, you are doing it just for yourself. This has to be the right mindset to begin. How to Love YourselfIn order to find your own internal sense of stability, you need to listen to who you really are until you understand your own true nature. To do that you begin by paying attention and knowing yourself so well that you learn to respect, trust, honor, believe, accept and forgive yourself. Respect your:
Trust your:
Honor your:
Believe in:
Every day pick one of the items listed above and focus on it right after waking up. If you cannot focus long enough, wait for the next day and begin again. Don't worry, you have the rest of your life to master this. Begin by focusing on just one item at the time and notice the change. Once you are able to stay focused for longer periods of time, keep at it for 30 days. Little by little you'll be able to focus on more than one item at the time until it becomes your second nature. Remember to make loving yourself a fun journey. Don’t work too hard to achieve it. I don’t want you to feel frustrated, impatient or mad because that defeats the whole purpose. Be easy on yourself as you develop your new internal stability. How will you feel on the inside? Just to name a few, you will feel joyful, content, confident, assertive, relaxed, peaceful, proud, satisfied, fulfilled, and worthy of love. Your self-esteem will increase, you will speak with intention, you will show more kindness, will be stress-free, will start breathing better, will feel healthier, will enjoy life to its fullest, and more. This is what real life success is all about. But remember, you have to do the work every day for the rest of your life. How will you look on the outside? To begin, you are going to have your smile back, your eyes will have a sparkly shine, and your face will be illuminated. You will walk upright with your head held high, confidently and with purpose. Seeing yourself so relaxed and sure of your persona will help you trust that every step you take is going to take you to your own happiness. Imagine if everybody felt like that. If everybody loved themselves like that, without expecting outside approval and without feeling the need to approve others. There would be a mutual understanding, tolerance and acceptance since everybody would be going through the same journey. Can you imagine? Maybe we can finally have world peace- that world peace that everybody wants. So, start with you. Start respecting, trusting, honoring, believing, accepting, forgiving, and loving yourself first. And then without even thinking about it, you will be giving joy to others because you cannot love yourself and not display it. How does Loving Yourself affect your business?In your business you will:
Your customers will:
Everybody feels attracted to people that feel good. It’s a natural instinct. We all want to feel good and want some of that energy, that vibe. Make sure they find it in your business. Just by loving yourself you’ll be making an impact and creating a legacy in your life and in your business for sure. Remember loving yourself is an everyday process. So make it your main goal and your greatest priority and in no time you’ll be an expert. Again, you have to do the work. Every morning set the intention of what you’re going to do that day and pay attention to how you feel inside. Now you know what to do to love yourself and be successful in life. If you’re going to start one day, why not now? Ready to begin? To begin loving yourself now, take a look at the list from the How to Love Yourself section above, and tell me, what are you going to focus on first? Comments are closed.
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