Eat of this fruit and you will never be hungry. Eat of this fruit and you will never need anything more. Eat of this fruit and you will feel satisfied. Have you ever heard about this fruit? The fruit of the Holy Spirit, as called by Paul in the Bible, is the fruit we all intuitively yearn for but don’t know how to get it. I’ll show you how you can get it. I was looking for this fruit During the time when I was ready to make real and lasting changes to get out of a deep depression a was going through, I remembered of the fruits of the Holy Spirit from when I used to go to church. I didn’t remember exactly what those fruits were but I remember it was good. So I looked it up and found that the fruits of the Holy Spirit are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness and Faithfulness. At first I had the understanding that they were separate fruits, but apparently it’s only one fruit that has everything in it. I think it makes it even more fascinating to want to know more about it, don’t you think? After I learned to connect with my Spirit was when I was able to find this fruit; and now I can say for sure that you can find it too. Create the desire for this fruit Even though I didn’t feel a shockwave changing me and bringing me this fruit instantaneously, my desire set my intention out to life, to the universe, and to God that I wanted it. I’m not promoting you to read the bible and go to church if you don’t do it already. What I’m promoting you to do is to only have the desire and set the intention of finding and receiving the fruit of the Spirit. Once you do set the intention, continue by having a closer connection with the Spirit that you really are. It is then that you can begin to feel these so wonderful benefits of the fruit. Imagine how wonderful it would be to feel Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness all-the-time. Connecting with Spirit When I say that you establish a connection with the Spirit that you already are, I talk about that Spirit that’s making your body move, your eyes blink, and your heart beat. I want to make it clear that I never talk about religion; this connection I talk about is beyond that. Now, how do you make that connection with Spirit? Well, you put your humanness to the side for a few minutes a few times a day -very simple, right? I know, simple but sometimes not that easy. But with consistent practice I know for sure you can master it. You do this by quieting down your mind so you don’t hear it, by allowing your body to relax and even fall asleep without you falling asleep, and by not paying attention to any negative feeling emotions you might be feeling at the moment. There are many ways to make this connection and here are just a few you can try:
Pick one and begin there. If that one didn’t work out for you today, it doesn’t mean it never will. You can try it again later. Just pick another one and begin today, or continue doing what you already know works for you. Grace is the wonderful spirit that imbues every fiber of our being when we practice the fruits of the spirit: kindness, patience, understanding, forgiveness, love, gentleness, fellowship and endurance.” –Edgar Cayce The fruit of the Spirit is the result of one being in a state of complete alignment with Source; complete alignment with God; complete alignment with who you really are. What are you willing to do to get the benefits of this fruit? Let me know in the comments below. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Always Go For Alignment First What Does It Mean To Be Spiritual? Who Do You Think You Are? 5 Steps To Get Out Of Depression Without Medications Image source: |
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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