You are the only one responsible for everything that is and it’s not in your life. You are your best ally and your worst enemy. No one else is your enemy. No one is out there trying to make things not happen for you. No one wants to hear or accept this because is way easier to blame someone else, or leave it in their hands, than to be responsible for our own life. It was not meant to be that way Everything that comes or does not come into your life is because you allow it, or do not allow it. I know this is hard to understand because we have been taught and conditioned to believe that we are not responsible for anything, that "they" are blocking us (whoever "they" are), that "they" are not helping us, that we are worthless, sinners, and powerless, that we are so far away from the grace of God, and we don't deserve anything. But all of that is not true. We are so much more than we think we are or even imagine. We are extensions of God for God’s sake. We are powerful, we are magnificent, and we are creators! To give you an idea, God is like the energy generated by electrical plants and we are like the energy that comes from the outlet in your house. Yes, we have different powers, but we still have the same essence and the power to create our lives as we see fit. Therefore, we decide and choose what we have in our lives, and we’ve been doing it since we were born. Why you are your own enemy This universe is governed by laws and order. Some of these laws are very well known and accepted but there are other ones that aren’t. Thankfully we are learning more about them in the latest 20 years. The law of cause and effect is a well-known and accepted law. It’s very straight forward. Something happens and there’s an effect to it. Or another way of saying it is “for any action there’s a reaction”. Or for every cause there’s an effect –which pretty much is what the golden rule is about. This means that for every decision we make, we have a consequence. So pay attention to your decisions. Another law you’re hearing more and more about is the law of attraction. This law says that that which is like unto itself is drawn—similar things tend to attract each other. This is like the saying “birds of a feather flock together”. This works to the perfection in the energy level which is your vibe. What this means is that if your vibe is negative, negative people, negative events and negative circumstances will be attracted to you. But if your vibe is positive, positive people, positive events and positive circumstances will be attracted to you. This vibe begins in the membranes of every one of your cells. So we can say that everything that you attract, you attract it with your body. Let me explain, if you don’t believe that you can have a good life, your brain creates neuro-pathways (connections between neurons in your brain) that reinforce that belief and the brain sends signals to the cells in your body with that very same information through your nerves and hormones. Once that information is in your cells, you begin to feel the emotions and speak about them (expression). Once you speak about them, the cycle forms: vibe-brain-feelings-expression-cells-vibe-brain-expression-cells-vibe-brain... and nothing improves in your life, especially if it's a negative vibe. How to be your best ally If you want to switch from being your worst enemy to being your best ally, begin by changing your vibe and stop the vicious cycle. You do this by changing your inner energy that begins in your brain (thoughts). If you do not let a disempowering thought get into your mind, the brain would never send to your cells the chemicals that go with that disempowering thought, and you would never have to be feeling or talking about that. So, change your inner energy (vibe). When you have empowering thoughts, the brain still does its job, it never judges. But in this case you are being benefited by the biological process because the emotions you’ll feel will be positive-feeling emotions—which will guide you to make empowering decisions. The steps to being you best ally are: make the decision to be your best version, take responsibility over your life and decide to create it how it pleases you, be mindful and choose more empowering thoughts. You can do this! You are your worst enemy, it is your negative thoughts that hold you back. Nothing else!” —Leon Brown I know this sounds way easier than it can sometimes be, but it is definitely possible. If you feel you are ready but for some reason you just cannot move forward with making the decisions you need to create the life you desire, maybe you need some extra help in cleaning up your vibe. I can help you with that. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, feel free to share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Choose To Be Your Best Self Get Out of The Loop Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life Tell Me a Better Feeling Story Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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