Wouldn’t be nice if we had the best advice to give our children’s so they can have a great life? A life we, their parents, don’t have to stress over or worry about because we will know they will do well? That advice exists and as you read here, you will realize that being a parent doesn’t have to be stressful or worrisome. Actually, parenting is easier than we think. When my son was young I wanted to control everything around his environment so he would not have to go through undesirable experiences in which I would end up worried. “Don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t ever do that to me again!” Once I realized that in fact it was me who I was worrying about, that my worrisome feelings were more important that my child’s life experiences, I decided it was time for me to change. It was time to release that control, time to relax and trust that no matter what decisions he made, that they were part of his destiny and that he will be ok. Worry Free Parenting MustBefore I give you the list of do’s and don’ts of parenting, which will be in another post, I’m going to give the must of parenting. The 3 things you MUST do if you want to be a worry free parent are: 1- Teach your child about their personal guidance system. Realize that children have their own inner guidance. Every human being has their own connection to God, Source, Divine, Universe or whatever you want to call it. Yes, everyone! Some might seem as if they don’t have it, but they do. What happens in their case is that they’re used to drowning down that inner guidance so often that the forget that it is there. This happens because the external guidance that we have in front of us (mostly from our parents) hurts more if we don’t listen to it than what our unseen internal guidance will. You have to trust that you’re not the only one taking care of your child, just like your parents were not the only ones taking care of you. So, if you teach your children that they have their own personal guidance system and that they can trust it, you will always know that whatever decision they make, whether you like it or not, comes from their soul. Teach your children how inner guidance feels. The guidance is felt in their tummies and you can teach them how to listen to it by using every day decision making processes as an opportunity. For instance, let’s assume your child is coloring a page. Then he might ask you, “mommy, which color should I paint the monkey?” then you say, “What color do you feel you want to paint it?” “Well, monkeys are brown, but I like blue” “Ok, pick the color brown and pay attention to how it feels in your tummy as you think you’re coloring the monkey brown. Now, pick the color blue, how does it feel in your tummy when you think you’re coloring the monkey blue?” Then, make him isolate every color as he ask himself “Brown. Blue. Brown. Blue.” “Mommy, I want to paint it blue!” “Good, paint it blue then.” In this case you will not only be teaching him how to follow his own inner guidance, but you will also be teaching him to feel safe with his creativity. After all we each create our own reality, right? Well let’s let them paint it whatever color they want it then. Trust in your child’s inner guidance: You can use exercises like this to teach your kids how to listen to their personal guidance system. Once they’ve practiced enough, and they ask you for help to make a decision in which you know you they are able choose, like which pair of shoes to wear, what TV show to watch, which friend to trust, you will know and trust in their decision making process. This is how we get our kids ready for life. By teaching them to listen and trusting their inner guidance. Once they know how to follow their guidance, they will learn how to feel happy because they will only do what feels good. So, if they feel happy with the results from their guidance, we must trust in it. Once they are ready to leave home, you will know that they will continue to follow their personal inner guidance and that wherever they go in life, whether you like it or not, they will always be in the right place. They will never need to look for external guidance again because they’ll know how to look for it inside. They’ll know they are the only ones responsible for their decisions, for their direction in life, and for their happiness. No one else, just them. 2- Demonstrate what feeling good is. By living a good feeling life, you will always be demonstrating that feeling good is good. Children are always seeing and sensing how we feel, how we react, how we respond to life. They learn from our demonstration. They learn by example. Actions speak louder than words, remember? Let you actions speak what you really want to say. Let your actions say that the way you feel is the most important thing in your life. That your most pressing desire is to feel good and that you have absolute and total control of the way you feel. You can't teach respect if you are not respecting. You can't teach alignment if you're not in alignment" -Abraham Hicks 3- Expect good from your children. Expecting good things from anyone is always a good thing. People always rise up to expectations even when they don’t believe it themselves. Believe that your children can be and do and have whatever they desire and whatever their soul guides them to. Expect they will listen to their guidance and that they will do what’s best for them in this life. Be excited about what is coming up in the lives. Always be expectant of great things in their lives. And above all, always be Ok with what comes. It’s their lives after all. Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them." -Lady Bird Johnson If you really want to teach good things to your children, teach them these things and even when they grow old they will not depart from them.
Are you ready to let your children experience life from the inside? Let me know in the comments below.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/17/2016 06:42:37 pm
Exactly! Maybe we need to start seeing them as adults in little bodies ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/18/2016 11:21:48 am
Allowing your child to be as independent and assertive as she wants to be is a very good way to show her that her voice and feelings matter. And just like independence and assertiveness are already inside of her, so are empathy and consideration -pay close attention and you'll see them. And when you see them, focus on them so she can also focus on them. That should make teaching easier. Best wishes for your child and for you Bryna :) 5/18/2016 03:06:22 am
Great post, Claudia. I especially love the perspective shift - what are we worrying about? Is it us, not the child? And great ideas for teaching how to start accessing their own inner guidance.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/18/2016 11:26:32 am
Isn't interesting that we are mostly trying to prevent hurt and pain to ourselves rather than be excited for all the great, and sometimes not so great, experiences our child can have? This is how we all grow... through experiences. This was definitely an eye opening for me. I appreciate your comment Reba. I'm glad you also get it ;) Claudia, I love your advice on having kids "feel it in their tummies" to get in tune with their inner guidance. That is a great way to teach it to them! I know most parents what to guide their children all the time, but we really do need to let them figure things out for themselves (unless it's dangerous of course!) :-)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/18/2016 11:31:10 am
Yes! I'm glad you agree with me Tae. We need to let our children be themselves in the same way that we adults want to be ourselves... unless it's dangerous, like you say. Appreciate your comment :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/18/2016 11:34:50 am
Yes!! I love it when other people write about the same subjects I'm passionate about. The more of us write, the more people will see the message. Thank you for letting me know Andrea <3 5/18/2016 11:28:51 am
Love all your tips Claudia! Especially because I can resonate with them SO much.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/18/2016 11:56:54 am
I'm so glad you resonated with them Zeenat! Thank you for letting me know. Best wishes to you and your child ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/18/2016 12:18:30 pm
That's right Tiffany! It should be no different.By teaching our children how to listen to and trust their inner guidance, we're also helping them build and strengthen their inner foundation. We are teaching them that it's ok to be themselves -just like we teach adults. Again, like you say: no different.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/18/2016 04:10:22 pm
The gift of life ;)
Diana Catapang
5/19/2016 01:18:55 am
Great information from your blog :) It is very important that we feed our kids with good morals along with good deeds from us parents because we should serve as their role model.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/19/2016 02:24:22 pm
Thank you Diana! :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/19/2016 10:26:59 pm
I'm glad! Thank you for letting me know ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/20/2016 06:40:53 pm
Thank you Brittany! I'm glad you like them :)
5/20/2016 04:01:34 pm
These are awesome insights, Claudia! Sometimes, after all the lessons and talk, I forget to trust my kids to do the right thing. Learning to let go and trust moving forward!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/20/2016 06:46:37 pm
It takes practice. Begin today and if it doesn't go well, don't worry, try again tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next and the next. Best of wishes Lynn ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/20/2016 06:50:28 pm
I'm glad you agree Liv!. Thank you ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/21/2016 09:11:39 pm
You are very welcome Suzanne! :) 5/21/2016 09:53:49 am
Great advice. I definitely worry way too much. But, now I've reached the stage where I worry about things that are definitely out of my control like watching the season finale of NCIS and crying worrying about whether if I died would my daughter remember me. Ugh, whole new level of ridiculous, I know.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/21/2016 09:16:59 pm
At least you have given the best and more important step... you know they're out your control. Now the next step is to not pay attention to them when they are happening. Read this post I wrote on how to do that http://www.claudialebaron.com/blog/mastering-positive-brainstorming. I wish you the best Rebecca.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
5/23/2016 04:04:15 pm
The best teaching we can ever pass on to our children, right?. Thank you Aileen!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
6/16/2022 10:53:09 am
Glad it resonated with you. Yes, more blog posts are coming. Take care ☺ Comments are closed.
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