Dying is such a taboo subject that we don’t even want to talk about it in fear that we might be calling it forward. But it is only after we talk about it, and understand it, that we can all live a little more at peace before we lose our loved ones, and even after. So, let’s talk more about death so when someone departs from this world the ones that remain are not living in pain, regret, vengeance, hatred, despair and eternal grief.
This week we’re going through the unexpected loss of a member in our family. Even thought I had already had a vast knowledge about death, it is through this experience that I have learned and understood some things about the end of life that just cannot be acquired with knowledge alone. Today I want to share with you the first part of a series of three blog posts about this subject. My hope is that it serves you, or a friend, or a family member that might be going through the same experience, to find peace in the midst of pain. But before I begin I want you to know that no matter how much you know, how much you understand, or how much you feel to be true, it still hurts. But at least the moments of hurt are not as painful as they could otherwise be. What is death? Let me begin with the absolute law of conservation of energy by Albert Einstein: “Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another" We all are energy, and since energy cannot be destroyed, neither are we. What energy? The energy that makes your brain function, the energy that makes your heart pump blood, the energy that makes your ears translate vibration into sound, the energy that makes you blink, the energy that makes you breath, the energy that moves your body. Well, you get the idea. Energy moves our bodies. Our bodies are just a vehicle for us to be here. And since we all are energy, we are not our bodies, this means that death is only for the physical body and not for what keeps it alive (living energy: soul, spirit, or chi). These beings can be humans, animals, plants, minerals, planets, stars, and who knows what else is out there. Once we understand that the body is the only one that dies, and not the soul, we being to understand the big picture of the universe. We begin to understand that living in this world is only an experience and once it's over we all go back to where we came from -to probably take on another form. Why do people die? Human kind has been around since at least 200,000 years ago. Look around you, and even online, and you will not find a person 150 years-old or older. We all die. We will all die. Living in this world some call it the school of life. I call it the game of life. There are still others that call it an experience. Based on what I’ve learned and understood life is a combination of all of them; and as with everything in this decaying world, the life experience also has a beginning and an end. We know deep within ourselves that we all come to this world for a purpose. When someone leaves this world is because they’ve completed their purpose here no matter their age. I know that’s hard to believe and understand especially when the departed are children. Sometimes it’s for them to complete something in this life. Sometimes it’s to help others complete and/or learn something as well. Those experiences can be completed throughout their lives and even after they depart. How to understand deathTrying to understand death from the point of view of this world will not make much sense. But if you open your mind and allow yourself to see more than what you see, you'll realize that it's all part of the Divine plan. Yes, you will be able to see it, we all can. We’re wired that way. You just need to allow yourself to see. You also need to understand that there are no mistakes in this world. If that was not the case, our world would not be perfectly spinning in place right now being held with… nothing; neither would be our sun, nor our galaxy or the millions and millions of other galaxies out there in the universe. Everything is perfectly planned out and there’s nothing and no one that can ever change that. I know that when you are in the middle of pain, after losing someone, all those things don’t matter. But I also know that there are moments when the pain subsides and you then have the option to think and reflect about the big picture of life. Use those moments to help you learn from the lives of the ones you lost; from their experiences, and from your pain. In the third blog post of this series, I’ll talk about how you can learn from their departure. Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides.” – Lao Tzu Let’s talk more about death to understand it and to learn to live the life we wished we had lived with the departed loved one. We can then apply that to our relationships with those that are still here. And since we don’t know who's next, our relationship with everyone we love will be improved, and you'll have peace of mind knowing that you loved your loved ones and did all you could do to help them. Come back next week since I’ll be writing about how to help you go through the pain of losing someone you love. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox every week. Also, share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Photo credit: https://www.123rf.com/profile_mikekiev Comments are closed.
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