Like it or not we are all living under universal laws that, whether we understand them or not they, affect our everyday living. Understanding these laws, how they affect you, and how to benefit from them are key for you to have a more joyful and abundant life. In this post I want to lay the foundation of the blog series about the Law of Attraction and Mental Science. So, let’s begin by remembering some universal laws. Universal laws and how they affect us Universal laws are those laws that affect our lives while living in this universe. Most of these laws are known although not exactly by the terms made know by scientist but by experience. For instance: Law of Universal Gravitation: This law defined by Newton says that “A particle attracts every other particle in the universe using a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.” This means that the bigger and farther one particle is to another one, the stronger is the attraction between them. For instance try and compare jumping from a plane and jumping from a step. But the key here is “A particle attracts every other particle in the universe.” Law of Conservation of Energy: There is recorded information about this law forming since 550 BC and it says that “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather it transforms from one form to other.” This means that nothing is lost in this universe and although energy is not seen in one form it still exists in another form. Just like water goes from liquid to vapor to liquid again when it rains. Key here is “Energy transforms.” Action-Reaction Law: This law also defined by Newton says that “All forces between objects exist in equal magnitude and opposite direction.” This means that when a force is executed (ie: pushing) an equal force but with opposite direction (pushing back) exists. We can see this clearly in our lives every day; we make a decision and we have a consequence. This law is also known as the Cause and Effect law. There are many many more laws of physics, chemistry, electromagnetics, economics, astronomy, etc. but I think you get the idea. These laws were created and accepted by a group of people belonging to a particular level or group of education. This does not mean that there are no other laws not known or accepted by this group as is the case of the following law. This law has been known for thousands of years but was taken out of the books and common knowledge long ago. I believe the purpose was to prevent people from knowing how to enforce it and benefit from it since they can become self-sufficient. This law is the Law of Attraction. Law of Attraction: This law says that “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” This means that everything that has similar essence attracts each other. For instance, birds and people with certain qualities or interests get together (birds of feather flock together) or thoughts during brainstorming when creating more similar thoughts or ideas are generated. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" — Nikola Tesla Law of Attraction This law has been misused by so many people whose sole purpose is to take advantage of those that don’t know the law consciously. We all know the effects of this law by its effects, although most do not correlate it with a law. It’s like children; they all know that if they jump from a high place they will get hurt. They know they will get hurt but they don’t know there is a law of gravity. In the same sense is the effect of the Law of Attraction; we know that when we have a strong desire which we "know and believe" is going to manifest, it usually does. We don’t always know why it works that way, nevertheless it still does. Those that say that are applying the Law of Attraction is like saying that they are going to apply the Law of Gravity. You don’t apply a law; the law is always being applied, it's always in effect, always there. What you do is take advantage of it. Just like cord jumping, jumping from an airplane and many more activities are taking advantage of gravity, we can also take advantage of the always applying Law of Attraction. My purpose with this blog series is that you are informed and not get confused with what the Law of Attraction is. In the next few weeks I will be showing you how to take advantage and benefit from this law. Make sure you come back to this blog or sign up to receive them in your inbox every week. Now tell me, what do you know about the Law of Attraction and how have you benefited from it? Let me know in the comments below. Did you like this post? Subscribe to begin receiving them in your inbox every week. Also, if you think someone might benefit from this information, please share this post with your family and friends. Thank you, Related Posts: The Secret About Mental Science How The Law of Attraction Works How to Receive Abundance in Your Life Mastering Positive Brainstorming
Hi Claudia,
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/3/2016 09:19:44 am
That's wonderful Peggy! You're definitely a Creator of your own reality. I'm happy for you! I wish you the best success you can expect during your speaking event next month ;) 8/3/2016 07:31:57 am
The more we know about how things work, the better our lives work!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/3/2016 09:23:02 am
That's why Science is so great! But we need to remember that Science alone is not enough :)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/3/2016 09:30:41 am
Thank you Josee! I'm so glad you're interested in knowing more. I'll "see" you here next week. If you want to make sure you read the following posts, you can go ahead and sign up to receive them in your inbox. Thank you! ;) 8/3/2016 10:40:37 am
Love how simply and effectively you have explained these laws Claudia!
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/3/2016 02:49:18 pm
Thank you Zeenat. I'm glad it's making sense so far. ;)
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/3/2016 09:56:25 pm
I'm so glad you love how I explain things Lea. Thank you so much for letting me know! ;)
Wonderful article by a wonderful person.
Claudia LeBaron Islas
8/4/2016 12:30:04 pm
You can create (transform) energy because YOU are energy. But energy cannot be created without any other kind of energy generating it. That is usually seen in vacuum experiments. Everything else, all of this world and universe outside of the vacuum system, has the possibility to transform energy. The intention to transform this energy makes it seem we are creating it but we are actually transforming it. Thank you for your comment Lotene, since it helped to clarify it for others as well :) Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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