Discrimination and racism exist. Although they are a problem, they’re actually consequences of a bigger and real problem in this world. Wouldn’t it be nice to have peace on earth and having everyone live harmonious lives? Everyone will be included no matter their skin color, interests, tendencies, and beliefs. When everyone’s united it benefits everyone. Even though ALL lives matter, it is a good point and time in history to focus on bringing more awareness to those who have been oppressed and discriminated for so long. Not just about race and the color of their skin, but also of their beliefs (including religious or spiritual faiths), their interests (especially uncommon ones), and their tendencies (particular those having to do with their bodies). Creatures of evolution We are a result of evolution. We have within ourselves the most primal parts of the brain that are always thinking about protecting itself and staying alive (commonly called the lizard brain). In the lizard brain we still carry the information that anything that looks different from us can be dangerous. This causes separateness and groups begin to form. As soon as groups begin to form, the “us” and “them” or “us” vs “them” perspective begins to form as well. Fortunately, we kept evolving. We also continue to develop the prefrontal cortex which helps us to rationalize and make wise decisions. We are not just primal and scared beings. We are conscious human beings. Unfortunately the level of consciousness is different for everyone. Low consciousness Consciousness is the awareness of being more than a primal being trying to stay alive. Consciousness is about knowing that we are not our bodies, that we all come from the same place and will go back to it, and that we are all connected as one Spirit. Having low consciousness is about forgetting all this. Forgetting we are Spirit makes us focus more on our physicality and all the material things of this world. But the more you are focused on this world, the more you’re driven by fear because this world is all about survival. So, the more you focus on survival the more you are driven by fear, the more you are driven by fear, the more you forget who you really are, and the more you find reasons to separate from each other. Low consciousness brings low understanding. When we hurt others we hurt ourselves When we hurt someone, we hurt the collective—meaning all of us. It is similar to when we as a group are working towards a common goal but we don’t let ourselves complete it. Let’s say a group of 20 people are working together to fill up a swimming pool with buckets of water. It is only when we completely fill up the pool that we can get to eat pizza. But if we are hurting, discriminating, or bullying others, it will not only hurt the person that’s being attacked, but it will slow down the entire process of filling up the pool. This means you have to work more to compensate for those who are hurt (physically, mentally, and emotionally), and as a result we all have to wait longer to eat pizza. This is what happens in the world. Instead of working together in peace and harmony to create a peaceful and harmonious world, we are hurting each other causing our dream of peace and harmony to be delayed. We are so caught up in the dualistic perspectives of “us” and “them.” But ultimately there is no “them.” That’s what we need to wake up to.” —Jon Kabat-Zinn What to do about it? When you begin to feel better (not being in fear and on survival mode), you begin to see people and everything around you differently. As you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally, you get closer to your Soul and the more you trust in the process of life in this world. You’re no longer in survival mode, because of the connection you have with your Soul makes you feel that you are safe. It is when you are more connected with your Soul that you begin to realize that we are all connected. Here are some ideas you can do to connect with and include each other:
If I want something to change, change yourself first. If you want people to stop being oppressed because of their beliefs, interests, tendencies, color of their skin, or any other thing that causes separateness, start with you. Start by aligning to your Soul so you then raise your consciousness level and start seeing everyone, including yourself, as one. Did you like this post? Subscribe here to send you more like it to your inbox. Also, feel free to share this post in your social media or with someone you think might benefit from this information. Thank you! Related Publications: Always Go For Alignment First Improve Your Life By Listening to Your IGS The Key to Understanding Your Soul’s Direction 6 Steps to Begin Living a Happier Life Comments are closed.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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