Imagine living a smooth-sailing life. A life where you have the best opportunities, where you have a job you love, where you have lots of money, great relationships and fantastic health. What would you be willing to do to live that life? How far are you willing to go to find it? Before you make plans to go to the end of the world, let me tell you that you don’t need to go that far. In fact, you don’t need to go anywhere at all. All you need to do is to listen to your IGS.
Enlightenment is where the light is. The light is God. The light is where we want to return to. For thousands of years we’ve known enlightenment is possible but until recently Dr. David Hawkins made it easier to understand how to reach that state of consciousness, awareness and understanding.
We all experience, at some point or another, hard times in life in which we need Divine help. Those are the times in which we want and need God close to us more than ever. But where exactly is He? Even though we can’t see God in the way we want and expect to see Her, we feel and know He is near us. But how close and in what direction is She? Join me in an imaginative journey, written as a conversation, where we will discover where God is.
Because of the strong feeling of disconnection we experience at times from Who we really are, we think and believe that heaven is a place far, far away from us. But, we're wrong. After going through my spiritual journey I learned and realized that heaven is not a far away place guarded with golden gates to which only a few have access to. Heaven is actually so much closer than we could ever imagine.
Have you ever wondered what it means to be Spiritual? Do you need to be Spiritual? And most importantly, how do you become Spiritual? Being spiritual is about connecting, communicating and identifying ourselves with the Spirit we really are and it has nothing to do with religion.
Since the beginning of times humans want to know where we all come from. From this need to know comes the need to believe that there is something greater than ourselves. I invite you to read what I found and strongly resonate with.
Even though our biological and physical bodies were designed to heal themselves, our emotional body still needs our help. For thousands of years this has been known but somehow we have forgotten how to help it now. Taking care of our entire body is simpler when we know how to take care of our emotional body. By knowing how to heal yourself, mostly emotionally, you are better able to keep your body healthy. Learn what your body’s responsibilities are, and what your responsibilities are, to live a healthy life.
As a result of what happened in Orlando, Florida, many people are scared, afraid and asking for help. Some judge, some understand, and some others do something to help. I want to help. I want to do something small, but in great significance, and hopefully even life changing. I hope you join me in this endeavor to help heal humanity in this world, one person at a time.
We all carry at least one pain so strong in our hearts, that influenced so many of our choices and decisions that we made in our lives, and brought us to where we are today. But there comes a time when that pain has to go because the purpose has been completed and the pain is no longer needed. Time to heal has come.
Hi! I'm Claudia LeBaron Islas.
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